
Welcome to Brisighella, the Village of the Three Hills!

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about Brisighella, a beautiful Italian town in the province of Ravenna, in Emilia-Romagna. The village is located 115 meters above sea level, in the low Lamone Valley, at the foot of the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines. The main feature of Brisighella are the Three Hills, on which the Manfredian fortress, the Monticino sanctuary and the Clock Tower are located.

Physical Geography

Brisighella is the southernmost municipality of the province of Ravenna. The town is located about 12 km upstream of the city of Faenza and 50 km southwest of Ravenna. The Lamone River crosses the municipality and its valley divides Emilia-Romagna from Tuscany. To the south, in fact, Brisighella borders the metropolitan city of Florence, in the Mugello area, while to the southeast it is close to the province of Forlì-Cesena.

Brisighella: history, natural beauties and local delicacies.

Origins of the Name

The name Brisighella has several theories about its meaning. According to some, it would derive from the Latin "brassica", meaning "land where cabbages are grown". Others refer to the Romagnolo term "brisca", which means "honeycomb or wasps' nest". This is because the toponym could indicate an area where beehives or porous soils suitable for wasps' nests are found. The most credited theory, however, maintains that the name derives from the dialectal word "brisul", which means "crumb", referring to a small portion of cultivated land. Finally, some link the name of Brisighella to the Celtic term "brix", which means "rocky place".


The origins of Brisighella date back to the end of the 13th century when the condottiero Maghinardo Pagani built the most important fortress in the Lamone Valley. In 1310, Francesco I Manfredi, the first lord of Faenza, erected the fortress of Brisighella on another selenite rock, renovated and completed in the following centuries. The presence of these fortifications and the favorable position along the Lamone valley bottom road quickly made the inhabited center grow. Brisighella was a direct possession of the Pope between 1356 and 1376 before returning under the dominion of the Manfredi. Thanks to the loyalty of the Brisighella residents, the Manfredi elected the village the head of the Lamone Valley in 1411.

What to See

Brisighella is a village rich in history and natural beauty. The Manfredian fortress, which dominates the town from the highest point, has been renovated and turned into a museum. The Monticino sanctuary, located on the Pallone Hill, offers breathtaking views of the valley. The Clock Tower, on the other hand, houses an ancient mechanical clock that still marks the hours of the village. Along the Lamone valley bottom road, there are porphyry pebbles used for paving. The climb to the Three Hills of Brisighella is certainly challenging, but the view of the valley and the village will reward the effort!


Brisighella is famous for its DOP extra virgin olive oil "Brisighello". The oil is obtained from the pressing of "Nostrana di Brisighella" olives, an autochthonous variety that grows on the hills surrounding the town. Brisighella oil is dense, with an intense green color and a fruity and slightly spicy flavor. In addition, Brisighella is also known for its cold cuts, homemade tagliatelle and game-based dishes.


The historic center of Brisighella hosts numerous events throughout the year. The most famous is certainly the "Fiera di San Michele", which takes place on the third Sunday of September. During the fair, the village is filled with stalls featuring local food and wine products and crafts. In summer, you can attend the "Brisighella Green Festival", an environmental festival, or the "Brisighella Music Festival", which offers musical performances of various genres.


Brisighella is a unique place where history, landscape and traditions come together to create a magical atmosphere. Visiting it is like taking a dive into the past and discovering an authentic and genuine Italy. Its natural beauty, cuisine and events that animate the historic center throughout the year make Brisighella a must-see place.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Wednesday, Mar 23, 2022