
Discover the province of Brescia: a diverse territory

Hello everyone! In this article, I will talk to you about the province of Brescia, one of the largest provinces in the Lombardy region. With its capital Brescia, this province covers an area of 4784.36 km² and includes 205 municipalities, which are home to a population of approximately 1.2 million people. Unfortunately, during the Covid-19 pandemic, many of us had to give up travel and tourist visits, but nevertheless, I want to take you on a journey to discover this fantastic territory, rich in natural and cultural attractions.

Physical geography

The province of Brescia has a diverse and extensive territory: in fact, it is the largest in the Lombardy region and offers numerous geographic areas, including three large lakes (Lake Garda, Lake Iseo, and Lake Idro), alpine valleys (such as the Val Camonica, Valtrompia, and Valle Sabbia), plains, and hills. Thanks to the variety of altitudes, it is possible to find numerous biomes from Europe, ranging from Mediterranean scrub to perennial snows of the Adamello, with its large glacier representing the largest in the Italian Alps.

Province of Brescia: discover a varied treasure

The valleys

Among the natural attractions of the province of Brescia, the valleys certainly stand out. There are numerous ones, but the main ones are Val Camonica, Val Trompia, and Valle Sabbia. Val Camonica, crossed by the Oglio River, extends from the Adamello Group to Lake Iseo and is the largest of the three, constituting around 25% of the province's total area. Val Trompia develops between the municipalities of Villa Carcina and Collio and is the mountain basin of the Mella River. Finally, Valle Sabbia, the second largest in terms of size, includes the municipalities from Serle to Bagolino along the course of the Chiese River.

All three valleys converge at the Passo di Crocedomini, which gives its name to a road that connects these areas. There are also numerous other tributary valleys in the surrounding areas.


The geology of the province of Brescia is very interesting: thanks to the vastness of the territory, we can find numerous types of rocks and formations, especially based on the different valleys. Generally, limestone rocks predominate on this territory.

I am aware that this is only a brief taste of the beauties that the province of Brescia has to offer, but I hope to have intrigued you and invite you to come and discover this magnificent territory. Greetings to all, and see you soon!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022