
The Cathedral of Bolzano: the story of a unique place of worship in Italy

Dear readers, today I want to tell you the story of the Cathedral of Bolzano, a church unique in its kind in Italy that preserves testimonies of different historical periods. Let's discover its wonders together!

The Early Christian Basilica: IV century

The first foundations of the church date back to the IV century and it is believed to have been dedicated to Saint Vigilio. The basilica had a rectangular plan, 38 meters long and 14 meters wide, divided into three environments thanks to dividing walls. The basilica was built according to the eastern construction typology, which referred to the Roman province of Noricum and the area of Aquileia. Near the basilica there was a burial ground, testified by the tombstone of "Secundus Regontius", the first inhabitant of Bolzano whose name is known.

The Bolzano Cathedral: a millennial historical and artistic treasure.

The Early Medieval Church: VIII century

Excavating under the flooring, a longer wall dating back to the Carolingian age was found. This discovery suggests that after the barbarian invasions, the new population of Bolzano settled permanently in the basin, thus forming a small village. Five fragments of wall painting were found, depicting faces praying.

The First Medieval Church: XI-XII century

The foundations of a medieval church were found, with a very particular plan: in fact, this church had only one row of columns, so it had two asymmetric naves. This construction had a powerful tower with thick walls, perhaps to protect it from the frequent and violent floods of the Isarco river. The church was in Romanesque architecture and the facade is still visible.

The Renaissance Cathedral

In the autumn of 1948, during the restoration of the Cathedral severely damaged by the Allied bombings of 1944, the foundations of three other churches and a Roman-age inscription were found under the flooring. The Cathedral of Bolzano, as we know it today, is the result of a complex layering of architectural styles and different eras. The Cathedral was rebuilt in the Renaissance style during the seventeenth century.

The Chapel of Saint John

Among the marvels present in the Cathedral of Bolzano, we cannot fail to mention the Chapel of Saint John, a Gothic-style art gem from the fourteenth century. The chapel, dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, was built on the foundations of a previous church dating back to the twelfth century.

The Rose Window of the Cathedral

The rose window of the Cathedral of Bolzano is one of the most recognizable symbols of the city. The rose window, which illuminated the facade of the second medieval church, dates back to the fourteenth century and is in Gothic style. Its shape is circular with inclined rays, symbolizing the sun, and its rays represent the apostles.

The Tower of the Cathedral

The Tower of the Cathedral was built in the first medieval church to protect it from the frequent and violent floods of the Isarco river. The tower, 67 meters high, is one of the most suggestive panoramic points of Bolzano and offers a breathtaking view of the city and the surrounding mountains.


The Cathedral of Bolzano is a church that encloses within it the history of different periods, from the roots of Christianity to the Carolingian age, from Romanesque to Gothic to the Renaissance. Visiting the Cathedral means discovering a treasure trove of works of art and archaeological remains that tell the millenary history of the city. I invite you to visit it next time you are in Bolzano!

Giovanni Rinaldi
Updated Monday, Apr 4, 2022