
Welcome to Reggio Emilia!

If you are exploring Emilia-Romagna, you cannot miss the city of Reggio Emilia, the capital of the homonymous province and an ancient Roman city. With a population of 169,640 inhabitants, the city is located in the Po Valley and boasts the title of Città del Tricolore, as the Italian flag was created here, inspired by the banners of the Cispadane Republic on January 7th, 1797. But let's discover more about the treasures of our city!

Physical Geography

Reggio Emilia is located in the heart of Emilia, washed by the Crostolo stream and surrounded by numerous watercourses and small rivers that gave rise to the first inhabited centers. The municipal territory is flat, but just 10 km south are the first foothills of the Reggio Emilia Apennines. The city borders numerous municipalities and is located 24 km northwest of Modena and 27.5 km southeast of Parma.

Reggio Emilia: art, culture and culinary tradition in Emilia-Romagna.


Reggio Emilia has a temperate continental climate, with hot and humid summers and cold winters with frequent frosts. Therefore, we recommend visiting the city during spring or autumn when the weather is mild and the days are longer.

Treasures of the city

Reggio Emilia is a city rich in art and culture. The historic center is made up of numerous squares, churches, and buildings that testify to the city's importance in different epochs.

Food and Wine

Reggio Emilia is famous worldwide for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano, one of the most popular cheeses in Italian cuisine. But the city also offers many other flavors of Emilian tradition, such as pumpkin tortelli, cappelletti in broth, fried gnocchi, and Florentine steak.

To accompany the dishes, wines from the area cannot be missed, such as Lambrusco and Malvasia.

The Reggio Emilia Approach

Reggio Emilia is also known for the Reggio Emilia Approach, a pedagogical teaching method that has revolutionized education worldwide. The method is based on collaboration between teacher and students, with the aim of stimulating creativity and autonomy in children and adolescents.


Reggio Emilia has received numerous awards for its commitment to culture, environment, and innovation. In 2019, it was ranked as the most livable city in Italy by the annual ItaliaOggi ranking.


Reggio Emilia is a city worth visiting, to discover its history, art, and culture, but also to taste the flavors of Emilian tradition and learn from its innovative teaching method. We warmly welcome you!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Jul 6, 2022