
Welcome to Bracigliano!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Bracigliano, a small town of 5,326 inhabitants located in the province of Salerno in Campania, Italy. Are you ready to learn more about its physical geography and history?

Physical Geography

Bracigliano is located on the Irno hill and is surrounded by mountains and hills, such as the Faitaldo and Piesco mountains, the Salto and Ariella mountains, and the Citronico hill. It is the last town of the province of Salerno to the north, which belongs to the Irno valley and the Nocerino-Sarnese agricultural area. It is not exactly overlooking the sea, but it is located 350 meters above sea level, with an area of ​​14.3 square kilometers and a population density of 373.57 inhabitants per square kilometer.

Bracigliano: History and Geography of a Campanian Municipality.

History and Curiosities

The town of Salto is also located in the territory of Bracigliano, which was once called Saldo. Its name derives from an agricultural term that indicated a field left with grass during the winter to be used as pasture in spring and summer. The term "Salto" instead comes from the Latin "saltus" which means "gorge" or "pass", precisely because it represents a mountain depression that facilitates the passage from one locality to another. Precisely for this reason, Salto and the surrounding mountain area were for a long time the preferred destination of the shepherds in the area.

On the Camposummo plateau there was an area called "Tori", precisely because bulls were bred here in the past. Even the Salto plain, which was used as pasture for livestock, has been reduced to cultivation since the sixteenth century. In fact, there is news of Salto, an inhabited fiefdom, in a document from 1569.

In more recent history, Bracigliano was involved in the Sarno landslide of May 5, 1998, which also caused damage in the neighboring municipalities of Sarno, Quindici and Siano.


Here is a brief overview of Bracigliano! We are happy to have accompanied you in discovering this Italian town and its history. If you have the opportunity, do not hesitate to visit it to admire the beauty of its mountains and nature. See you soon!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Monday, Sep 19, 2022