
Welcome to Bra, in the heart of Roero!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Bra, a beautiful town located in the heart of the province of Cuneo in Piedmont. With its 29,571 inhabitants, Bra is one of the most important municipalities in the Roero area, a region renowned for its wine production and rich history.

The physical geography of Bra

The territory of Bra extends over a vast area equidistant from Turin and Cuneo, with Alba just 15 km away. Bra is the third most populous municipality in the province of Cuneo and is part of the archdiocese of Turin. Although it is not crossed by rivers or waterways of great importance, the hamlet of Pollenzo is bordered by the Tanaro river near the Royal estate. The city is divided into two parts: a vast plain, where the modern city has been built, and a hill, where the historic center is located. The hill represents the beginning of the Roero area, a territory well known for its wine production.

Bra's climate is of the temperate sub-continental type, with abundant rainfall in autumn and spring. In winter, there is a distinct minimum of rainfall, with very cold temperatures, while summers are hot and humid.

Discover Bra, the heart of the Roero: history, art, and cuisine at your fingertips!

The history of Bra

The history of Bra dates back to ancient times, long before the Roman era. Artifacts found in the area attest to human presence during the Neolithic period. During Roman civilization, the city of Pollentia was founded, an important commercial center along the Tanaro valley. After the Battle of Pollenzo in 402, when Roman troops defeated Alaric's Goths, the city began its decline. Some toponyms in the Bra area, such as the hamlet of Gotta, are considered ancient Gothic place names. Following the decline of Pollentia, the inhabitants moved towards the plateau of present-day Bra.

The city of Bra was elevated to the status of city in 1760 by decree of Charles Emmanuel III of Savoy. In the 18th century, the city developed greatly, becoming an important center from an architectural standpoint. Various notable personalities distinguished themselves in the course of the 19th century, including the founder of the Little House of Divine Providence, St. Joseph Benedetto Cottolengo.

What to see in Bra

Bra is a city characterized by numerous buildings and monuments. Among the main points of interest, we find the Municipal Palace, designed by the architect Bernardo Antonio Vittone, and the Church of Santa Chiara, also designed by Vittone. The historic center of the city is very suggestive, with narrow alleys and ancient stone palaces.

A few kilometers from Bra is the hamlet of Pollenzo, where one can admire the ancient remains of the Roman city of Pollentia, as well as the famous Pollenzo Castle, now home to the University of Gastronomic Sciences.

Bra is also famous for its wine production, particularly Roero DOCG, an excellent red wine that pairs perfectly with local cuisine. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the numerous wineries in the area, where you can taste the prized wines of Roero accompanied by typical local cheeses.

What to do in Bra

Bra certainly does not lack activities to do! The city, in fact, offers many opportunities for leisure time, from visiting museums to walks in nature. There are numerous parks and nature reserves in the vicinity of Bra, including the Roero Natural Park, ideal for a pleasant bike ride or walk.

There is no shortage of fun, thanks to the presence of many clubs, bars, and restaurants where you can taste the delicacies of local cuisine. Bra is also famous for its cultural and folkloric events, including the Pumpkin Festival, the Taste Fair, and the famous Cheese, one of the most anticipated events by foodies from all over the world.


In short, Bra is a city that definitely deserves a visit. Thanks to its history, strategic location, and numerous activities to do, Bra is a perfect place to spend a vacation full of relaxation and fun. Do not miss the opportunity to visit this beautiful village and discover all the wonders that the Roero area has to offer!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Monday, Nov 14, 2022