
Welcome to Boves

Welcome to Boves, a picturesque municipality located in the province of Cuneo, Piedmont, with a population of approximately 9,635 inhabitants. The name Boves comes from the Gallic "Bovus", a surname that means "ox" or "cow". The city has a long history dating back to the Roman era, but has undergone many invasions and conflicts throughout the centuries.

The origin of the name

The name Boves has a long history dating back to the Roman era. According to a local historian, G.D. Serra, the name may derive from the Gallic surname "Bovus". There are many attestations of the name, including "Bovixium" (815, 1098), "de Bovese" (1200), "de Boueso" (1222), and "Buysius" (1329).

Boves: history and nature among the Maritime Alps.


Boves has a long and interesting history dating back to the Roman era. It was a Roman colony when the Roman legions conquered Cisalpine Gaul. Later, the city became a "castrum" and a "locus", and was first mentioned in a document from 815 as BOVIXIUM. The city has undergone many conflicts throughout the centuries, including Saracen raids and fights between feudal lords.

Boves was owned by the Del Vasto, Marchesi di Busca (1144), Marchesi di Ceva (1214), Marchesato di Saluzzo, Visconti and Acaja, before finally joining the domains of the House of Savoy in 1418. During the 16th and 17th centuries, the city was occupied by French, Spanish and Imperial troops, causing much suffering to the population.

However, the city reacted with tenacity to defend its freedom and values, protecting itself with civic vows to the Madonna dei Boschi (1630), building a sanctuary to Sant' Antonio (1647) and enhancing economic activities. The city has safeguarded its rights to the use of water and pastures also with disputes against neighboring cities, building infrastructures serving agriculture and craftsmanship, and favoring prudent urban expansion.

In 1796, Napoleon Bonaparte's troops took possession of Boves, but only in May 1814, the city could celebrate its return to the Kingdom of Sardinia. During the Risorgimento period, Boves contributed to the struggle for Italian independence, employing its volunteer citizens such as Tommaso Beraudo, commander of the Tuscan Bersaglieri, who died in the battle of Curtatone and Montanara in 1848.

Activities in Boves

The city of Boves is situated in the mountainous and green area of Piedmont, where the landscape is dominated by the Alpi del Mare. The city hosts a range of activities that embrace both culture and nature:


In summary, Boves is a city that has witnessed many historical events, and yet remains a welcoming and vibrant location. The city is a perfect place to spend a day trip with family or friends, to enjoy its breathtaking views, history and culture. Come and visit Boves and discover the charm of this wonderful city!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Saturday, Apr 30, 2022