
Welcome to Bottidda: a municipality in the province of Sassari

If you are looking to discover a place in the heart of Sardinia, you cannot miss adding Bottidda to your list of destinations to visit. Located at 396 meters above sea level, the Municipality of Bottidda belongs to the province of Sassari and offers a unique travel experience.

Physical geography: the natural beauty of the territory

Bottidda is a municipality located near the mountains and enjoys a beautiful panoramic view that extends to the surrounding hills. Mount Rasu is one of the closest mountains to the town and will make your stay even more incredible thanks to its natural beauty.

The territory of Bottidda extends over a vast area of ​​about 3300 hectares, 430 of which belong to the state-owned forest and 220 to the communal state. Thanks to its geographical position, the municipality is immersed in unspoiled nature and rich in enchanting landscapes.

Bottidda: An Enchanting Municipality Between Mountains and History.

Origin of the name: the history of Bottidda

The name Bottidda derives from the ancient denomination of the village, which was originally called Gocilla or Gossilla. The name Bottidda was adopted only later, evolving from a transformation process of Botilla, Botille and Gotille.

History: an ancient municipality rich in historical evidence

Bottidda has an ancient history and is rich in historical evidence. The inhabitants of the territory have been present since prehistoric times, as evidenced by several nuraghi and a giant's tomb.

During the Middle Ages, Bottidda was part of the Judicate of Torres and the curatorship of Monte Acuto, as well as the diocese of Ottana. In 1259 it passed first to the Doria and then to the Malaspina, and after the battle of Meloria (1284) it came under the control of the Judicate of Arborea. In 1478, with the defeat of Leonardo Alagon in the battle of Macomer, the territory passed to the Aragonese. It was redeemed by the last feudal lords in 1839, with the suppression of the feudal system.

Monuments and places of interest: the historical and religious treasures of Bottidda

The municipality of Bottidda boasts numerous historical and religious treasures that deserve to be discovered. Among these, the area of ​​Mount Rasu, famous for the Franciscan convent that stands here, the first to be built on the island. According to tradition, the convent was founded by Giovanni Parenti, a disciple of Francis of Assisi, around 1220.

Furthermore, the church of S. Maria degli Angeli, better known as the church of S. Antonio, has attracted the attention of visitors thanks to the Franciscan convent built next to it, around 1645, by the will of Monsignor Andrea Bacallar, bishop of Alghero.

Society: daily life in Bottidda

Bottidda is a small but vital municipality, which offers visitors the opportunity to learn about local culture and discover the daily life of its inhabitants. Thanks to its central location, the municipality of Bottidda is well connected to the rest of Sardinia and offers numerous services, including shops, restaurants and places of interest.

Demographic evolution: a municipality in constant growth

Bottidda has about 650 inhabitants and its population is constantly growing. The municipality offers a high quality of life, thanks to the peaceful environment and the numerous outdoor activities that can be enjoyed.

Languages and dialects: Sardinian in Bottidda

The variant of Sardinian spoken in Bottidda is Logudorese, in particular its central or common version. The Sardinian language is an integral part of the local culture, which keeps its traditions alive and authentic.

Anthropogenic geography: the urban organization of Bottidda

Bottidda offers an orderly and welcoming urban layout, thanks to the numerous squares surrounded by greenery and embellished with some works of art, including murals created by Sassari and local artists. The local community is constantly striving to preserve and enhance the beauty of the territory, making Bottidda an even more special municipality.

In conclusion, Bottidda represents a perfect destination for those looking for an authentic and charming experience. The natural beauty, historical evidence, and welcoming local community will make your stay in Bottidda an unforgettable experience.

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Sunday, May 22, 2022