
Bosio: the municipality between Gavi and Ovada

Bosio, also called "Beuso" in Piedmontese, "Bêuxo" or "Bêuzo" in Ligurian, is an Italian municipality of about 1161 inhabitants in the province of Alessandria, located in the geographical region of Lower Piedmont, between Gavi and Ovada. This municipality is unique in the region, as it borders the municipality of Genoa, located on the left of the Ardana stream, a tributary of the Lemme, south of Alessandria. In this region, there is the point closest to the Ligurian Sea in Piedmont, only 7 km away.

Brief history of the municipality

The municipality of Bosio was created in 1948 with the legislative decree of March 5, separating the fractions of Bosio, Spessa, Serra, Costa S. Stefano, and Capanne di Marcarolo from the municipality of Parodi Ligure. Previously, the territory was part of Liguria until it was assigned to Piedmont during the Rattazzi Decree. Bosio was awarded the War Cross for Military Valor for the sacrifices of its populations and for its activity in the partisan struggle during World War II.

Bosio: a town between history and memory.

The Massacre of Benedicta: a sad history

The farmstead of Benedicta, an ancient medieval monastery, was used as a headquarters by the partisans in the spring of 1944. The farmstead was located near Mount Tobbio, and several hundred young people gathered there, poorly armed and without military training. On April 7, 1944, German and fascist forces surrounded the area, and the partisans immediately took action. The situation was difficult, and in addition to those who fell in combat, 97 people were captured and shot. Several tens of partisans were also shot during the roundup, which lasted for several days near the massacre site at Turchino, Voltaggio, and Cravasco. Others were deported to the Mauthausen concentration camp (two hundred of them managed to escape at the Sesto San Giovanni station with the help of the population).

Several hundred partisans managed to escape, while another 400 were deported to the Mauthausen concentration camp (two hundred of them managed, with the help of the population, to escape at the Sesto San Giovanni station). The farmstead of Benedicta was mined and blown up by the Nazi-Fascists. The event is commemorated by a memorial shrine at the site of the massacre.

In 2001, the "Memoria della Benedicta" association was formed to build a permanent documentation center at the ruins of Benedicta, dedicated to the massacre and the themes of war and peace. The Association's first phase of work has enabled the recovery of the large courtyard of the farmstead and the consolidation of the ruins.


Bosio is an Italian municipality with an interesting and often sad history. It is a unique municipality in the Piedmont region, as it borders the municipality of Genoa and is located near Mount Tobbio. The Massacre of Benedicta is part of Italian history that should not be forgotten, and the "Memoria della Benedicta" association continues to work to keep the memory of the victims of this tragedy alive.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Nov 28, 2022