
Hello friends, today I bring you to discover the municipality of Bosia

If you are looking for a small town nestled in the peace of the province of Cuneo in Piedmont, then Bosia is the right place for you! With only 181 inhabitants, this Piedmontese municipality has a history and peculiarities that make it unique.

History of the municipality of Bosia

Bosia, or Beusia in the local Piedmontese language, has a very ancient past dating back to the Roman age. The territory on which the municipality stands was in fact crossed by the famous Aurelia Augusta road.

During the medieval period, the municipality was part of the Marquisate of Monferrato and underwent various dominations including those of the Franks and the Lombards.

At the end of the eighteenth century, with the conquest of Napoleon Bonaparte, the municipality became part of the Kingdom of Italy.

Bosia: journey to discover the province of Cuneo

The society of Bosia

Demographic evolution

In recent years, the population of Bosia has remained almost stable, with about 181 inhabitants. Over the years, the municipality has attracted several tourists and visitors who have been impressed by the beauty of the surrounding nature and the tranquility that is breathed in this corner of the province.

The administration of Bosia

Like every Italian municipality, Bosia also has a municipal administration that is responsible for public management. The current mayor is Mario Rossi, who has been leading the municipality since 2014.

Notes on Bosia

The municipality of Bosia enjoys a pleasant climate, with mild temperatures in summer and cold winters. The area is known for the production of high valley Belbo potatoes, a quality product with a unique taste.

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If you are curious to know more about the municipality of Bosia, you can consult the official website of the municipality or visit the website of the province of Cuneo.


Guys, I hope you enjoyed this journey to discover Bosia. Despite being a small reality, this Piedmontese municipality has a very interesting history and natural beauties that are worth discovering. Thanks for following me, see you next time!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Friday, May 27, 2022