
Borgosatollo, a municipality in the Po Valley

Borgosatollo is an Italian municipality located in the province of Brescia in Lombardy, situated to the south of the capital city. It covers an area of approximately 8.5 square kilometers and has a population of around 9043 inhabitants. The municipal territory borders Brescia to the north, Castenedolo to the east, Poncarale and San Zeno Naviglio to the west, and Ghedi and Montirone to the south. Its altitude ranges from 120 meters in the Gerole hamlet to 108 meters in the Belleguardello locality. The prevailing landscape in the Bassa Bresciana area is formed by open fields, now characterized by the cultivation of maize.

Borgosatollo's geology

Borgosatollo's geological structure is characterized by two types of fluvio-glacial alluvial deposits. The territory lies in seismic zone 3 of the seismic classification, meaning that seismic activity is low.

Borgosatollo: the nature of Lower Brescia.

Borgosatollo's hydrography

Borgosatollo is crossed by a network of canals used for irrigation purposes. The Garza stream flows along the eastern boundary with the municipalities of Brescia and Castenedolo, while the Brescia Canal crosses the territories of the Gerole and Venice hamlets, passing through the northern part of the municipal territory. Other noteworthy waterways include the Molinera, Molinara, Motella and Piffiona streams, as well as the Vescovada ditch. The canals are primarily used for agricultural purposes.

The "piantata padana"

In the past, Borgosatollo's landscape was characterized by the so-called "piantata padana", a typical type of cultivation prevalent along the agricultural strip of the Po Valley. It consisted of combining the predominant cultivation of the land with a parallel cultivation in the strips of land separating the plots or along the banks of irrigation canals. Rows of trees were planted in these strips of land. The mulberry tree was periodically coppiced to obtain wood for heating and leaves used as feed for the Bombyx mori. The grapevine, on the other hand, was used for grape production.

In summary, Borgosatollo is a municipality characterized by nature similar to that of all the municipalities in the Bassa Bresciana. Its landscape is formed by open fields, while its geological structure is characterized by two types of alluvial deposits. The city is crossed by various rivers used for irrigation purposes and features a typical cultivation of plants, such as the mulberry tree and grapevine. Borgosatollo is an ideal destination for those who want to spend time away from the hectic city life and enjoy the nature it offers.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Monday, Oct 24, 2022