
Discovering Spedino, a hamlet of Borgorose in Lazio

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Spedino, a hamlet in the province of Rieti, in Lazio.

Physical Geography

Spedino is located on the border between the geographic region of Cicolano and Marsica, in Abruzzo. The village is divided into two parts: Spedino Vecchio on the Colle Civita, dating back to the Middle Ages, and the modern area, built after the Marsica earthquake of 1915. The territory is characterized by the surrounding mountains, including Monte Castelvecchio and Colle Vena Francesca.

Spedino, a hamlet of Borgorose: history and monuments between Lazio and Abruzzo.


The area of Spedino was crossed by the ancient Via Equicolana, which connected the Sabine areas of Reate to the Aequicoli of the Res publica Aequiculanorum and then to Alba Fucens. In addition, in the area of Colle Civita there are the remains of a Roman settlement. The old village developed from the 9th-10th century, with the construction of the castle of Latuschio, which belonged to the feudal lords of the Marsi county and then to the Colonna family. During the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, the village was included in the province of Abruzzo Ulteriore Secondo, but with the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861, it faced the threat of post-Italian unification brigandage.

Monuments and places of interest

Among the places of interest in Spedino, there are several churches. The church of Sant'Andrea is the most recent, while the church of San Liberatore, of monastic origin, was initially dedicated to Saint Athanasius. Near the junction for Spedino, there is also the ancient church of Sant'Andrea in Spedino Vecchio, currently in ruins. In addition, in the Latuschio area, you can find traces of the high medieval castle of Spedino.

The reconstruction after the earthquake

The Marsica earthquake of 1915 was an event that caused many destructions and forced the survivors to live in precarious conditions. The reconstruction of the old village and that of the modern area took place during the 20th century.


Spedino is a beautiful hamlet of Borgorose, which is worth visiting. Between nature and history, this small village has a lot to offer to anyone who wants to discover the Italian cultural heritage. I hope my story has piqued your interest and that you can soon go and visit Spedino!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Sunday, Nov 13, 2022