Borgonovo Val Tidone

Welcome to Borgonovo Val Tidone!

Welcome to the beautiful city of Borgonovo Val Tidone, located in the province of Piacenza in Emilia-Romagna. With its 8026 inhabitants, every corner of this municipality is rich in history, culture and natural beauty. Let's discover together all the most interesting details of this territory and its evolution over the centuries.

Physical Geography

Borgonovo Val Tidone is a municipality located in the low Tidone valley, in an area rich in hills and mountains. The municipal territory is crossed by numerous streams including the Tidone, Torto, Marara, Carona and Corniolo. The geographical location makes this city very suggestive and unique in its kind.

Borgonovo Val Tidone: between history and nature.


The area of the municipality of Borgonovo Val Tidone has been inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by the numerous finds found in the Castelnovo and Bilegno areas. In the Middle Ages, the city was part of the possessions of the abbey of San Colombano di Bobbio, founded by San Colombano in 614, together with Pecorara and Nibbiano and several monastic cells active throughout the Tidone valley.

Over time, Ghibelline troops destroyed Borgonovo Val Tidone's territory numerous times, attacking the area and destroying many castles, including Castelnovo and Corano. However, the area began to develop thanks to the work of some noble families who established themselves in power in succession.

The village of Borgonovo Val Tidone

The village of Borgonovo Val Tidone was founded in 1196 by the Guelph municipality of Piacenza near the locality of Casarnerio, as a sort of protection against the Ghibelline ambitions of Bobbio and Pavia. The walls, the moat, the castle and the towers to which it was equipped still make this village a suggestive and fascinating place today. Although the construction of the village was incomplete, it was immediately destroyed by Pavia militias, but then rebuilt by the Piacenza consuls, equipped with a castle located on the north side of the village.

The noble families

As already mentioned, Borgonovo Val Tidone was part of the possessions of the abbey of San Colombano di Bobbio, but over the years, several noble families settled in power. Some of the families that ruled the city were the Arcelli, the Visconti family, Jacopo Dal Verme, Niccolò Piccinino, Lazzaro Radini Tedeschi and Luigi Dal Verme. This last family ruled for many years the entire Tidone valley and other cities.


In conclusion, Borgonovo Val Tidone is a city rich in history and charm, where the beauty of the hills, the mountains and the confluence of the streams make the landscape unique in its kind. The city has undergone numerous invasions, but has managed to develop thanks to the work of noble families who established themselves in power. An oasis of beauty and history for anyone who wants to discover the history and culture of the Piacenza territory.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Saturday, Feb 5, 2022