
Exploring Candeasco: a historic hamlet in the Val di Maro

Located on a gentle slope in the upper valley of the Impero River, Candeasco is a charming hamlet in the municipality of Borgomaro, in the province of Imperia. With a population of just 83 residents, this small village has a history that dates back to at least the 12th century. In this article, we will explore some of its attractions and its history.


Candeasco followed the history of the capital Borgomaro and Maro Castello. In the medieval period, it was a feud of the counts of Ventimiglia and then of the Ventimiglia of Maro. The first historical mention of the territory dates back to 1217, when the Ventimiglia counts exchanged Roccabruna and Poggio Pino with all the property they owned in Maro from Raimondo Carli "di Candeasco".

Over the centuries, Candeasco came under the dominion of the Lascaris counts of Ventimiglia, Duke Emanuele Filiberto I of Savoy, and the Doria family. In the 19th century, it became part of the Kingdom of Sardinia before joining the Republic of Genoa in 1801. In 1815, it returned under the control of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and in 1861 it became part of the Kingdom of Italy.

In 1925, the municipality of Candeasco was abolished and merged into Borgomaro as a hamlet.

Candeasco: History, Art and Culture in the Val di Maro.

Monuments and places of interest

Candeasco boasts numerous churches and oratories of historical and artistic interest. The parish church of San Bernardino, completely rebuilt in the Baroque style in the 18th century, is one of Candeasco's most important monuments. The building was designed by Giacomo Filippo Marvaldi.

The Oratory of Our Lady of the Angels is another Baroque building worth visiting, as is the Oratory of the Blessed Virgin of Fossato. The latter is located outside the town center and was designed by Gio Batta Marvaldi and built between 1680 and 1682.

The Chapel of the Melissano is another structure worth visiting. The relief of the Annunciation is depicted on the lintel.

Finally, the Convent of the Franciscan Fathers, dating back to the 18th century, was built at Poggio delle Vigne at the testamentary will of Francesco Melissano. Today, the structure is used as a shelter.


Every year, on May 20th, the Feast of Saint Bernardino is celebrated, a religious celebration that attracts visitors from all over the region. During the festival, there are processions, music, and traditional dances.

In summary, Candeasco is a hamlet worth visiting if you are in the area. Not only does it offer numerous historical and cultural attractions, but also a breathtaking view of the valley of the Impero River.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Thursday, Jan 27, 2022