
Welcome to Borgolavezzaro: a municipality immersed in rice cultivation

If you're looking for a small village surrounded by nature and rice cultivation, Borgolavezzaro is the place for you. Located in the province of Novara in Piedmont, Borgolavezzaro has a population of about 1954 inhabitants and is located in the southern part of the province of Novara, on the border with Lomellina in the province of Pavia.

Discover the physical geography of Borgolavezzaro

The territory of Borgolavezzaro is entirely flat and depends on rice cultivation in the area. The municipality is wedged into the territory of Lomellina and is crossed by the Agogna, Arbogna-Erbognone, Neralo and Ri streams. The scenic beauty of the rice fields that stretch to the horizon does not go unnoticed, but Borgolavezzaro also offers other tourist attractions to discover.

Borgolavezzaro: History, Monuments and Natural Reserves in Novara.

History of Borgolavezzaro

The first information about human presence in the territory of Borgolavezzaro dates back to the Roman era, but the real development of the settlement is due to the presence of Benedictine monks in the territory.

Monuments and places of interest in Borgolavezzaro

If you are planning a visit to Borgolavezzaro, there are several places to visit, especially religious places and noble residences.

Church of Saints Bartolomeo and Gaudenzio

The Church of Saints Bartolomeo and Gaudenzio was built in the 19th century and is located in the village square. The architecture is neoclassical, with a single nave and a pronaos with four granite columns and Corinthian capitals that support an architrave with a tympanum. The bell tower dates back to the mid-seventeenth century.

Church of San Rocco

The Church of San Rocco is another fascinating church in Borgolavezzaro dating back to the seventeenth century. The original structure reflects the Baroque style and is flanked by an 19th century brick bell tower.

Church of Santa Maria

The Church of Santa Maria stands on a hill near the cemetery. It dates back to the fifteenth century and houses a valuable fresco depicting the Virgin with Child and a fifteenth-century crucifix.

Palazzo Longoni

Palazzo Longoni is an ancient noble residence from the eighteenth century, which now houses the city's elementary schools.

Cascina Caccia

Cascina Caccia is another traditional place in Borgolavezzaro. It dates back to the fifteenth century and is a closed courtyard rural complex, built in the sixteenth century by the noble Novara family of Caccia.

Natural reserves of Borgolavezzaro

Borgolavezzaro is a municipality that offers several natural reserves to explore. Among the most interesting:

Campo della Ghina

Campo della Ghina is an area of ​​about two hectares that collects a series of small habitats characteristic of the ancient Po Valley.

Agogna Morta

Agogna Morta is an oasis and a conservation laboratory of the last great Piedmontese branch of the Agogna stream. The oasis was originally a Site of Community Interest (S.I.C.), now it is a Special Conservation Area (ZSC).

Campo della Sciurä

The Campo della Sciurä is a wetland that extends over an area of ​​eight hectares. Here live various species of birds, fish and insects, and the area is ideal for birdwatching or observing insects up close.

Society of Borgolavezzaro

Demographic evolution

Borgolavezzaro has seen a steady increase in population in recent years.

Culture of Borgolavezzaro

Libraries and traditions

Borgolavezzaro boasts a civic library founded in 1976, where you can find a wide range of volumes on the history and artistic and cultural heritage of the municipality. In addition, every February 16th, Borgolavezzaro celebrates its patron saint, Saint Giuliana.

Administration in Borgolavezzaro

The following table shows the administrators who have succeeded in Borgolavezzaro over the years.

If you love nature, history and Italian culture, Borgolavezzaro can be the ideal place for your next holiday. We are certain that you will be enchanted by the village and its natural and cultural beauties.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Sunday, Jun 19, 2022