Borgo Velino

A trip to Borgo Velino: between history, nature, and culture

If you're looking for a place to relax and spend a few days in a peaceful atmosphere away from the chaos of the city, I recommend taking a trip to Borgo Velino. Located in the province of Rieti, this charming medieval town is perfect for rediscovering the history, nature, and culture of the region.

Discovering the territory of Borgo Velino

Situated at 460 meters above sea level, Borgo Velino is located in the small stretch of plain between Castel Sant'Angelo and Antrodoco, at the eastern entrance of the Piana di San Vittorino. Although mostly mountainous, the city's territory is very fertile and produces a variety of rich crops such as grains, chestnuts, and grapes. There are also many pastures in the mountainous areas, making it a perfect place to enjoy nature.

Borgo Velino: between history, nature, and culture.

The history of Borgo Velino

Borgo Velino has a long history that began a very long time ago with the ancient human settlement of Viario, which seems to date back to the time of the Pelasgians. This refuge for shepherds from Sabina gave rise to the “Borghetto” until it became the present-day Borgo Velino. Not only the landscape, but also the perfect remains of a Roman villa dating back to the Flavian Dynasty, the residence of the famous emperors, such as the so-called Ninfeo dei Flavi, represent a true historical treasure.

The Convent of the Valley and religious traditions

The Convent of the Valley, located in Borgo Velino, is said to have been the dwelling place of St. Francis of Assisi during his pilgrimages through Sabina. The convent, which already existed in 1472, was taxed for the sum of 3 ounces and 8 grains by Pope Sixtus IV. Since then, the Convent has become one of the reference points for the religious tradition of Borgo Velino, as well as a cultural and historical heritage of the region.

The historic center of Borgo Velino

The historic center of Borgo Velino is a charming journey back in time where you can admire ancient buildings and the ancient walls surrounding the village. Here you will also find the so-called Ninfeo dei Flavi, but there are many other wonders to admire while strolling through the historic center.

The modern Borgo Velino

Borgo Velino is a city in continuous evolution and growth and is becoming increasingly attractive to tourists for its numerous attractions. The peaceful setting and breathtaking panoramas make it the ideal place to find a bit of peace and serenity.


Borgo Velino, with its enchanting natural landscape, history, and religious traditions, is a place to relax and spend a few days away from the chaos of the city. The beauty of the historic center of Borgo Velino, the Convent of the Valley, and the modern evolution of the city, create a perfect combination to appreciate the best of nature and culture of the province of Rieti. Choose Borgo Velino for your next vacation and you won't regret it.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Saturday, Feb 26, 2022