Borgo San Lorenzo

Discovering Borgo San Lorenzo

Hello! Today I'll talk to you about Borgo San Lorenzo, a municipality in the province of Florence in Tuscany. It has a population of 18,140 people and is characterized by a territorial area of 124.09 km² with an altimetric altitude ranging from 90 to 1,654 meters above sea level.

Borgo San Lorenzo: History and geography of a Tuscan municipality

Physical Geography


Borgo San Lorenzo is located in zone 2 (medium-high seismicity), as indicated by the PCM Order 3274 of 20/03/2003.


The municipality is located in a climatic zone E, with 2122 degree days. The atmospheric diffusivity is intermediate, as indicated by Ibimet CNR.

Getting to know the history of Borgo San Lorenzo

The central area of Mugello, where Borgo San Lorenzo is located today, dates back to ancient settlements, even predating the Etruscans. The first Roman settlements in Borgo San Lorenzo date back to the 2nd century BC, when they established the hamlet of ''Anneianum'' on the road from Florence to Faenza.

In the Middle Ages, the locality belonged to the Ubaldini until the 10th century, and then passed under the civil power of the Florentine Bishop. Borgo San Lorenzo began to acquire an important role as a road junction, thanks to the control of a crossing over the Sieve. The episcopal authority was exercised through the Vicar Bishop, who held the title of Podestà and managed the economic and civil power. Borgo San Lorenzo was growing more and more and at the end of the 12th century, it represented the entire Mugello.

The power of the Podestà gradually weakened and in 1222, the Bishop of Florence had to give up total control over the appointment of the judge. Subsequently, there were still attempts at rebellion against episcopal authority. In 1239, the then Podestà, Ubaldino della Pila, issued an ordinance that limited the construction of houses and towers with a height greater than 15 arms.

The nobles of the Guelf party led the rebellion and in 1251, they were attacked by the Ghibelline exiles from Florence, allied with the lords of Romagna. In 1290, the municipality of Florence acquired all the rights over Mugello, with the payment of 3000 florins.

In the following years, Borgo San Lorenzo suffered attacks from the Ghibellines, such as in 1303 when the town was conquered by Scarpetta degli Ordelaffi, a Ghibelline from Forlì. In 1312, when Henry VII came, the Ubaldini returned to Borgo. To protect themselves from these attacks, Florence surrounded the inhabited area of Borgo San Lorenzo with walls in 1351 and created the "new lands" of Scarperia and Firenzuola.


I hope I have helped you discover something new about Borgo San Lorenzo and its history. This town has many interesting things to discover and admire. Don't hesitate to visit it and discover its beauty!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Friday, Nov 11, 2022