Borgo San Giacomo

Discover Borgo San Giacomo together!

If you're searching for a new place to visit in Lombardy, don't miss the chance to discover Borgo San Giacomo. This municipality, with about 5400 inhabitants, is located in the province of Brescia and is rich in history and interesting monuments to uncover.

A History of Changes

Borgo San Giacomo is a village that has undergone changes over the centuries. Originally called Gabiano (or Gabbiano), the village changed its name in 1863. This small municipality is also known for its symbols, particularly the Visconti serpent that is present in the city's coat of arms. Although initially rejected by the authorities, the Municipality of Borgo San Giacomo decided to adopt it anyway.

Borgo San Giacomo: history and monuments to discover.

Monuments and Places of Interest

If you're passionate about history and architecture, don't miss the chance to visit the monuments and places of interest in Borgo San Giacomo. The Church of the Immaculate is a sacred building of medieval origin that was initially in Gabiano and was dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary after the new parish was built. The Parish Church of San Giacomo, on the other hand, was built between 1594 and 1609 and hosts numerous altars and artifacts from the 16th century. The Church of San Rocco, instead, was built in 1479 in fulfillment of a popular vow after the Black Death of 1476-79, while the Church of San Genesio dates back to at least 1200 and was initially a parish church.

The Church of the Immaculate

If you're interested in the history of churches, you can't miss the Church of the Immaculate. This sacred building was constructed on a medieval church that was in Gabiano and was already mentioned in episcopal acts of the 1300s. The church was dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary following the pastoral visit of Cardinal Carlo Borromeo and is now an important monument to visit in Borgo San Giacomo.

The Parish Church of San Giacomo

Among the monuments of Borgo San Giacomo, the Parish Church of San Giacomo is undoubtedly one of the most important. This church was built between 1594 and 1609 according to Bagnadore's plan and hosts numerous altars and artifacts from the 16th century. Among the most interesting elements inside, don't miss the Last Supper by Giovanni Gandino the Elder and the central painting of the altar of the Madonna, which represents the episode of the Circumcision of Jesus by Francesco Boccaccino.

The Church of San Rocco

The Church of San Rocco, instead, was built in 1479 in fulfillment of a popular vow after the Black Death of 1476-79. This sacred building has a special importance for the Gabianesi and was built under the patronage of the Marcandone family. The church was renovated and enlarged in the early 1700s by the Canipari nobles.

The Church of San Genesio

The last church to visit in Borgo San Giacomo is that of San Genesio, whose origin dates back to at least 1200. This church was initially a parish church and was endowed with its own benefit. In 1463, this benefit passed into the hands of the Venetian patrician Melchiorre Gritti, who then renounced it so that it would be united with that of the Church of San Giacomo.


Borgo San Giacomo is a small but interesting municipality. Its history, monuments, and places of interest make it a perfect destination for history and architecture enthusiasts. If you're in the area, don't miss the chance to visit the churches of this Lombard city and discover its history.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Apr 26, 2022