
Anchiano: a brief introduction

If you are looking for a small village in Tuscany where you can spend time immersed in nature, Anchiano may be just what you are looking for. Located in the province of Lucca, the village is situated along the 12th Abetone and Brennero state road and could date back to Roman times.

The history of Anchiano

According to some historians, Anchiano may have Roman origins thanks to the presence of a road that connected Rome to the Po Valley and Gallia. The village was also fortified by a castle and was part of the Suffredinghi feudal lordship before passing to the Republic of Lucca. Over the centuries, Anchiano has always had some autonomy and has had the opportunity to govern itself thanks to its own statutes. The village also established a ferry, the "Barca" of Anchiano, to connect with nearby villages.

Anchiano: a nature and history experience in Tuscany.

The main support of the village

The territory of Anchiano is very fertile and most of the inhabitants are dedicated to the production of cereals, legumes, wine, vegetables, olive groves and vineyards. In addition, the mixed cultivation of vines and mulberries has allowed farmers to have some success thanks to the diversification of productions.


Anchiano could be ideal for those who love tranquility and nature. The village was fortified and had the opportunity to govern itself thanks to its own statutes. In addition, the territory is very fertile and most of the inhabitants work in the agricultural sector. If you are looking for an authentic place to spend time, pay a visit to Anchiano.

Martina Moretti
Updated Friday, Jan 20, 2023