Borgaro Torinese

Borgaro Torinese: a dive into history

If you are curious to learn some Italian history, Borgaro Torinese is a must-visit. This municipality, located in the metropolitan city of Turin in Piedmont, has a long history dating back to the 8th century. Thanks to the arrival of Charlemagne's Franks, Borgaro became part of the territory of Caselle Torinese and Altessano Inferiore, now Venaria Reale. In 1630 and 1660, the village was severely hit by the plague, but managed to recover thanks to the strength of the families governing the area.

The Birago di Vische family

In the 1600s, Borgaro was divided among three families: the Birago di Vische family, the Havard di Senantes family, and the Provana di Druent family. Over the years, the Birago family managed to expand their power over the territory and in 1746, the entire Borgaro became a fiefdom of the Biragos, who took the title of "Counts of Borgaro."

Borgaro Torinese: a millennial history to discover.

Symbols of Borgaro Torinese

The coat of arms and the flag of Borgaro Torinese were granted by decree of the president of the Republic on September 20, 1955. The double-red overlaid bars on a silver field come from the Birago family coat of arms.

Monuments and places of interest

Among the places of interest in Borgaro Torinese, there is the Castle of Santa Cristina. Located to the east of the concentric center, the castle was built in the 17th century and is now the headquarters of a private agricultural company. The history of the Castle of Santa Cristina is linked to the presence of the French nobleman François Havard de Sènantes, who moved to Piedmont in the service of the Savoy family. Today, the castle is privately owned but placed under monument constraint.

The park named after Chico Mendes is a green area of about 100 hectares that borders the territories of Turin and Venaria and the Stura di Lanzo river. The park is crossed by pedestrian and cycle paths that lead to Caselle Torinese and towards the Lanzo valleys. During the summer months, the park is used for events and music concerts.


Thanks to the strong immigration that has led to a six-fold increase in the resident population from 1961 to 2011, Borgaro Torinese is a melting pot of cultures. Foreign citizens residing in Borgaro Torinese are 4.2% of the total population. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics as of December 31, 2020, the most represented foreign citizens are those of Romanian nationality.

Infrastructure and transport

The village is served by the Turin-Ceres railway and two bus lines, the 69 and 46N, to ensure easy transportation for citizens and tourists. Borgaro Torinese is a municipality full of history, culture, and Italian tradition, which will certainly leave you amazed. Come and visit it and enjoy a dive into the past, among ancient castles and noble villas.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Thursday, Aug 11, 2022