
Welcome to the Province of Imperia: a brief introduction

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the province of Imperia, a beautiful area of Liguria that borders Piedmont, France, and the Ligurian Sea. This province has a population of just over 200,000 people and is composed of three districts: Imperiese, Sanremese, and Ventimigliese.

Physical Geography: the most western and southern area of Liguria

The province of Imperia is located in the western and southernmost part of Liguria and is divided into three districts. There are many important cities such as Imperia, Sanremo, Ventimiglia, and Taggia.

Province of Imperia: history, culture and natural beauty.

History: from the Province of Nice to the Province of Imperia

The province of Imperia has a long history, which began when it was part of the province of Nice. In 1860, with the Treaty of Turin, much of the territory was ceded to France, while the remaining part formed the province of Porto Maurizio. In 1923, Porto Maurizio was merged with Imperia and the province took on its current name.

Symbols and Honors

The Province of Imperia has an official coat of arms, approved in 1927, which represents the history and beauty of the area. The province has also been awarded the Gold Medal for Military Valor for the sacrifices of its people and for its activity in the partisan struggle during World War II.

Society: Ethnicity, Foreign minorities, and Religion

The province of Imperia has a fairly heterogeneous population, with a percentage of about 10% of foreign citizens. The prevailing religion is Catholicism, and the province is divided between the dioceses of Albenga-Imperia and Ventimiglia-San Remo.

Culture: The Art Cities of the Province of Imperia

The province of Imperia is rich in art cities such as Ventimiglia, Imperia, and Sanremo. Ventimiglia is famous for its Balzi Rossi, the Roman archaeological area, the medieval city, and the Hanbury botanical gardens. Imperia is known for its impressive Basilica of San Maurizio, which is also the largest church in Liguria, while Sanremo is famous for its famous Sanremo Casino in Liberty style and the Russian Church.

In conclusion, the province of Imperia is a beautiful area, rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. If you want to visit this area, don't hesitate to do so: you will find kind people, delicious food, and a great variety of tourist attractions. Thank you for reading my friendly summary, and I wish you a good day!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Thursday, Apr 14, 2022