
Welcome to Bordano: the Butterfly Village

Bordano, also known as "Bordan" in the local Friulian language, is a small municipality in the heart of Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, Italy. This peaceful village has a population of only 707 inhabitants, but it has gained considerable fame as the "Butterfly Village" due to the large presence of these creatures during late spring. Additionally, the town is also home to the "Butterfly House", a unique place in the world that attracts many visitors every year.

But Bordano is not only famous for butterflies: the town is also well-known for its traditional woodworking craftsmanship, which still plays an important role in the village's life.

Geography and Hydrology of Bordano

Bordano enjoys a privileged position, surrounded by the Brancot and San Simeone mountains. The Tagliamento River runs close to the town, and there are also two small artificial lakes. Despite their peaceful location, however, these bodies of water can be dangerous in case of torrential rains, as in the past many rivers and streams have overflowed, flooding some villages in the old town.

There are many small streams and streams that cross the territory of Bordano, but many of them are dry. The Rio Cartine, one of the main ones, was known to have broken its banks many times in the past, flooding the villages of Prussia and Cartine in the central-southern part of Bordano. The network of small streams winds from the slopes of Brancot and San Simeone to the portion of land between the Tagliamento and the town.

Bordano: the village of butterflies and wooden craftsmanship

The History of Bordano

The history of Bordano goes back to ancient times: it is said that the town was built on an ancient Roman ford along the via Iulia Augusta. The fraction of Interneppo, instead, has even more ancient origins. Over the centuries, the town has undergone many transformations and wars, but it has always maintained its unique identity.

Woodworking and craftsmanship in Bordano

Another unique feature of Bordano is woodworking. Here, there is a high concentration of artisans who create high-quality wooden objects using traditional techniques. This craftsmanship has become an integral part of the culture and economy of the town, and there are many shops and workshops where handmade works of art can be purchased.

Tourism in Bordano

Tourism has become an important source of income for Bordano, thanks to its reputation as the Butterfly Village and its woodworking tradition. The "Butterfly House" is a unique and very popular tourist attraction, where visitors can see many different species of butterflies from around the world. There are also many outdoor activities to enjoy, such as hiking and cycling along the scenic Dolomiti Friulane cycle path.


In summary, Bordano is a unique and fascinating village that has preserved its identity and culture over the centuries. In addition to butterflies and woodworking tradition, here you can enjoy the beauty of nature and the friendliness of the inhabitants. If you are in the area, do not hesitate to visit this charming village!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Wednesday, Oct 19, 2022