
Monte Bondone, a mountain in Western Trentino

Monte Bondone is one of the natural beauties of Western Trentino, located west of Trento and part of the Garda Prealps. According to Aldo Gorfer, this mountain range is still little known but definitely worth a visit.

History: from training grounds to nature observatory

Monte Bondone has a long history, which includes the construction of the first ski lift in Europe in 1934 on the mountain's skiing slopes. Furthermore, at the foot of the mountain, a training ground was used in the past by the Border Guard and later by the Alpine Troops, but now the area has been redeveloped and transformed into a nature observatory called Terrazza delle Stelle, managed by the MUSE (Museum of Science of Trento).

Monte Bondone: nature, history and geology in Trentino

Description: from the mountain range to the Viote plateau

Monte Bondone is bordered to the north by the Vela Gorge, to the west by the Valley of the Lakes and the lower Sarca, while to the east by the Adige Valley. In its southern part, the range branches off to the southwest, giving rise to a ridge without interruption, called Bondone-Stivo. At the center of Bondone lies the Viote plateau, surrounded by the four peaks of Monte Palon, Monte Cornetto or Cronicello or Cornet, Doss d'Abramo, and Cima Verde. The Viote plateau is a spectacular natural environment under protective regime that offers an unforgettable experience.

Geological composition of Monte Bondone

Monte Bondone is almost exclusively composed of sedimentary rocks, predominantly dolomites, dolomitized limestones, limestones, and marls, from different geological periods (Mesozoic and Cenozoic). The majority of these rocks were formed in shallow seas and usually have a thickness less than that of the mountains of the Central Alps.


Monte Bondone is a charming place that is definitely worth a visit. Among its numerous attractions are skiing slopes, the natural observatory Terrazza delle Stelle, and the Viote plateau, as well as the four peaks of Monte Palon, Monte Cornetto, Doss d'Abramo, and Cima Verde. Its geological composition and historical importance make it even more interesting for those who want to explore the nature and culture of the region.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Friday, Oct 21, 2022