
Different Places Named Bondo Around the World

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about different places named Bondo around the world. There are locations in Angola, Ivory Coast, Italy, Kenya, Mali, Democratic Republic of Congo, Switzerland, and Uganda.


In Angola, Bondo is the name of two municipalities, one in the Cabinda province and the other in the Cuando Cubango province.

The different Bondo traditions around the world: from Angola to Switzerland and Uganda.

Ivory Coast

In Ivory Coast, Bondo is a commune in the Bondoukou department, located in the Zanzan region.


In Italy, there are several places named Bondo. One is a hamlet of the municipality of Sella Giudicarie in the province of Trento, located near the alpine pass of Sella di Bondo. Another Bondo is a hamlet of the municipality of Colzate in the province of Bergamo. Finally, Bondo Petello is a hamlet of the municipality of Albino, also in the province of Bergamo.


In Kenya, Bondo is a municipality located in the Siaya county. This municipality was formerly a district in the Nyanza province.


In Mali, Bondo is a municipality located in the Koro district, in the Mopti region.

Democratic Republic of Congo

In Democratic Republic of Congo, Bondo is a city located in the Bas-Uele district, in the eastern province. In this city, there is also the Bondo Diocese, a Catholic diocese that is part of the Kisangani Archdiocese.


In Switzerland, Bondo is a hamlet of the municipality of Bregaglia, located in the Maloja region, in the canton of Grisons.


Finally, in Uganda, Bondo is a municipality located in the Arua district, in the northern region of the country.


Finally, I would like to talk to you about two other topics related to the name Bondo. The first concerns the Bondo ethnic group, which has its origins in Orissa, India. The second is the Cyclone Bondo, which hit the Indian Ocean in 2006.

I hope this article has been interesting to you and has helped you discover new locations with the name Bondo. See you next time!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Mar 21, 2022