
Discovering Stellata, in the province of Ferrara

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a charming hamlet of Bondeno, in the province of Ferrara: Stellata. Also known as ''la Stlà'' in Ferrara dialect, the village is located at the western end of the province of Ferrara, bordering the provinces of Mantua and Rovigo.

The physical geography of Stellata

Stellata is strategically located for river communications, near the root of the famous Po Delta. Moreover, the village is located near the Po river, whose right bank dominates the town to the north.

Stellata, historical treasures between Ferrara and the river Po

Monuments and places of interest in Stellata

Stellata has a millennia-old history and is rich in monuments and places of interest. Among the most famous religious architectures, there is the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Bondeno. Regarding military architectures, we find the Rocca di Stellata, a defensive tower located on the bank of the Po river built around the XI century. The Rocca was expanded in 1362 by Niccolò II d'Este to control naval and commercial traffic using a chain between the two river banks. The structure has also been rebuilt after 1521 and has taken on the form of oblique bastions "a stella" suitable to withstand artillery fire. The star-shaped configuration of the building gave the name to Stellata.

Among the most important civil architectures, we find the G. Ferraresi Civic Archaeological Museum, located in a house owned by Virgilio, Ludovico Ariosto's son. And if you are cycling enthusiasts, you cannot miss the Destra Po cycle touristic route: the longest bike path in Italy that follows the right bank of the Po river in the province of Ferrara from Stellata to Gorino.

Events and Festivals in Stellata

In addition to its fascinating nature and its splendid monuments, Stellata also has some interesting events. The small village is famous for the large antiques market that takes place every second Sunday of the month and attracts visitors from neighboring regions. The market occupies the entire village and sees the constant presence of about 200 exhibitors.

At the beginning of September, on the occasion of the festival of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the village hosts the traditional Sagra dell'Anatra (Duck Festival). Finally, in the wide Po river floodplain, since 2005 the Bundan Celtic festival has been held annually in July, a folklore event with a historical-revivalist character.

Conclusions and Connections

Here's a brief guide to Stellata, a hamlet that's definitely worth a visit for its beauty and history. And if after discovering it, you're left wanting to know more about it, I remind you that in the external links you can find useful resources to deepen your knowledge of the village and its culture. Enjoy your visit!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, May 29, 2022