
Welcome to the Archdiocese of Oristano

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about a special place in Sardinia: the archdiocese of Oristano. This metropolitan see of the Italian Catholic Church is part of the ecclesiastical region of Sardinia and is led by Archbishop Roberto Carboni, of the Order of Conventual Franciscans.

The territory

The archdiocese extends over three provinces of the island and includes 67 municipalities, including Oristano, the archiepiscopal seat. The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Oristano is the main place of worship, but there are also three minor basilicas: the Basilica of Santa Maria in Bonarcado, the Sanctuary Basilica of Our Lady of Remedy in Oristano, and the Basilica of Santa Giusta in Santa Giusta, which was once the cathedral of the Diocese of Santa Giusta. In total, there are 85 parishes, 4 rectories, and 2 chaplaincies.

The archdiocese of Oristano: history, territory, and pastoral activities.


The Archdiocese of Oristano has ancient roots. In fact, there has been a diocese in Tharros since the 5th century, but due to Arab incursions, bishops and inhabitants moved to Aristanis. The diocese of Oristano was therefore established in the 11th century, coinciding with the birth of the Arborea judicate. According to tradition, the transfer of the see took place in 1070, during the pontificate of Pope Alexander II, but recent studies have shown that the birth of the archdiocese may have occurred some decades later, during the pontificate of Pope Urban II.

Ecclesiastical Province

Oristano is the only metropolitan see of its ecclesiastical province, which includes only one suffragan diocese: the diocese of Ales-Terralba. The diocese has been united in persona episcopi to the Archdiocese of Oristano since July 3, 2021, and is therefore under its jurisdiction.

Territorial Organization

The Archdiocese of Oristano is territorially organized into one Vicariate and 8 Deaneries. The Vicariate of Oristano is the hub of territorial organization and is divided into 9 pastoral zones, each of which is entrusted to an episcopal vicar. The 8 Deaneries instead comprise a set of parishes and are responsible for coordinating pastoral action.

Pastoral and Social Activities

The Archdiocese of Oristano carries out various pastoral and social activities, including many charitable works. Among the most important initiatives are assistance to the elderly, the promotion of culture and art, education in the faith, and the formation of young people. The archdiocese is also very active in promoting justice and peace, working for human rights and the defense of the environment.


The archdiocese of Oristano is a special place, rich in history, art, and culture. Under the guidance of Archbishop Roberto Carboni, the Catholic community of Oristano carries out important work of assistance and support to people, helping those who are most in need and promoting peace and justice. If you find yourself in Sardinia, do not miss the opportunity to visit its wonders!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Sunday, May 8, 2022