
Historical Overview and Origins of the Name

Bompietro is a Sicilian town located in the metropolitan city of Palermo. The city was conquered by the Spanish after the Sicilian Vespers War and was divided into various duchies. In the 1400s, the Spanish Ferrandina family received the territory of Bompietro along with other fiefs, and built a small church for the farmers who lived in caves dug into the sandy soil. In the 1500s, the farmers built the first houses on the lands they worked and the fractions that make up the municipality were established. The name "Bompietro" comes from a certain Pietro, a particularly good man who lived in Guarraia, or from the painting of Saints Peter and Paul that was on the altar of the church and was "said" to have been donated by the Sopranesi.

The Mother Church

The Mother Church of Bompietro was rebuilt and enlarged in 1790 thanks to the collaboration of all citizens. The inscription present in the presbytery above the altar attests to the contribution of all participants in the reconstruction. The stone used for the construction of the church was transported from Geragello and Chiarisi, with the boulders specially drilled and bound with chains. The large bell, on the other hand, came from the Montevergini monastery in Palermo and was carried on foot from Villalba. The Mother Church was established as a parish by Pope Gregory XVI with a bull of May 20, 1844. The bell tower was erected in 1900 by the Pollara family of Petralia Sottana and the Archpriest Vincenzo Grippolidi had the floor renovated by removing the underlying graves and erecting the artistic wooden pulpit in 1916.

Bompietro: history, Mother Church and fragmentation of the territory.

The Fragmentation of the Territory

The territory of Bompietro includes several fractions that bear the name of the first family to establish a permanent residence. For example, Piraino probably takes its name from a wild pear tree widespread in those parts, while the oldest village is Guarraia. Bompietro, on the other hand, is the name of the central quarter that arose around the church and was long called "Borgata Chiesa". The first main road was Via Madre Chiesa.

Administrative Evolution

Bompietro was a hamlet of the Municipality of Petralia Soprana until 1820. The first administrative acts archived date back to 1875 and the Civil Status office was already operational from January 1, 1820. Currently, the municipality has 1220 inhabitants.

In summary, Bompietro is a Sicilian town with ancient origins that has evolved over time, starting from the division into fractions and the construction of the Mother Church. The city has an interesting history that has left numerous marks in monuments and the names of the various fractions.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Saturday, Jan 28, 2023