
Lake Bolsena: a description of the place

Lake Bolsena, also known as Lake Volsinio, is located in Alta Tuscia, in the northern part of the province of Viterbo, in central Italy. Although far from large urban centers, the lake is a place of great natural beauty and is of great interest to tourists who love to be in contact with nature.

The lake has an almost circular shape and two islands, and is the largest volcanic lake in Europe. It was formed over 300,000 years ago and is located at an altitude of 305 meters above sea level. The surface area of the lake is approximately 114.5 km² and has a maximum depth of 151 meters and an average depth of 81 meters.

Along the shores of the lake, there are numerous tourist settlements, with campsites, farmhouses, bed and breakfasts, and hotels. The beaches are mostly sandy, and the coast is characterized by coves and small peninsulas. In some areas, the coast is marshy, and there are also forests of oaks, chestnuts, and willows.

The shores and natural attractions of Lake Bolsena

The lake's shores are low and sandy, but they are not monotonous: they are interrupted by small peninsulas and promontories. One of the most important promontories is Bisenzio, which closes the Volsini Mountains to the west. Other important promontories are Punta San Bernardino and the Capodimonte peninsula.

Along the shores of the lake, there are many natural attractions, such as reed beds, which provide refuge for many species of lake birds, and olive groves, vineyards, and vegetable gardens, where people grow fruit and vegetables. The forests of oaks and chestnuts provide excellent clean air and are the ideal place for walking and hiking.

Lake Bolsena: Naturalistic Treasure of Upper Tuscia

The towns around Lake Bolsena

The main towns around the lake are Bolsena, Marta, and Capodimonte. These three centers are very popular among tourists and offer many activities to spend a pleasant day. The East and South coasts of the lake are the most touristy, with many campsites, villages, and eco-resorts.

The North coast is the lowest and least frequented by tourists, while the West coast is the wildest and most solitary, where the place is pristine and offers breathtaking natural landscapes.

The alarm for the rise in the level of Lake Bolsena

In recent years, the level of the lake has increased alarmingly and often floods fields and villages on the shores, causing significant damage. However, thanks to the fact that the lake has a single outlet, the Marta River, the lake level can be managed without creating damage. The river is controlled by outlets to regulate the flow of water, so it is difficult for problems to occur.

In any case, those who want to visit Lake Bolsena can always refer to the historic structures in the coastal towns, such as the washhouse near the fishermen's beach in Marta, which represents a historical and geological reference for the lake level.


Lake Bolsena is one of the most beautiful and fascinating places in central Italy. Its natural beauty and the surrounding towns offer endless opportunities to spend a day in the great outdoors. However, we must be careful of the problem of the rise in the level of the lake, which can have serious environmental consequences. In any case, it is worth visiting the lake to breathe clean air, enjoy a breathtaking view, and relax in contact with nature.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Saturday, Apr 23, 2022