
Welcome to Bolotana!

Hello everyone! Today we want to talk to you about Bolotana, a small municipality located in the central region of Sardinia. With its 2371 inhabitants, it is part of the Union of Marghine municipalities and GAL Marghine. And that's not all: since 2012, it has been part of the network of Authentic Villages of Italy, a national network that includes over 200 small and medium-sized municipalities, territorial authorities and mixed local development bodies. In short, a country full of beauty and traditions to discover!

The Physical Geography of Bolotana

The territory of Bolotana extends over an area of ​​108.39 km² and develops from the mountains of the Marghine chain to the plain of the middle valley of the Tirso river. The altimetric variation is considerable, ranging from the 1200 m above sea level of Punta Palai to the 144 m above sea level of the Tirso valley. The municipality of Bolotana is located within the hydrographic units of the Temo River to the northwest, the Coghinas River to the northeast, and the Tirso River to the south. The village also includes the localities of Badde Salighes, Santa Maria 'e Sauccu and Bardosu.

Bolotana: nature, history, and traditions.

Land Use in Bolotana

Based on the Corine Land Cover of 2006, the territory of the municipality of Bolotana is used mainly as a natural grazing area and high-altitude meadows (13.73%), deciduous forests (20.30%), non-irrigated arable land (36.72%), and agroforestry areas (15.86%). There are also small industrial or commercial areas (0.97%), discontinuous urban fabric (1.23%), and olive groves (2.37%). In total, the territory of the municipality is divided into different uses, but nature is a dominant element.

The History of Bolotana

The territory of the municipality of Bolotana has been inhabited by humans since prehistory. There are numerous testimonies from the prenuragic and nuragic period, including dolmens, domus de janas, Protonuraghe, nuraghi, tombs of the giants, and sacred wells. In the following centuries, Bolotana was influenced by Carthaginian domination, Roman civilization, and the Byzantine Empire. The village appears for the first time in 1341 with the name ''Golòthana'' or ''Golòssene'' in the ''Rationes Decimarum''.

In the Middle Ages, Bolotana was part of the Giudicato of Torres, included in the curatoria of Marghine. At the fall of the giudicato (1259), it became part of the Giudicato of Arborea. When the latter and the Marquisate of Oristano disappeared (1478), Bolotana was incorporated by the Aragonese into the Kingdom of Sardinia, becoming part of the Marghine marquisate. In 1839, with the abolition of the feudal system, Bolotana became an autonomous municipality administered by a mayor and a municipal council. In 1720, it passed to the House of Savoy, becoming part of the Kingdom of Italy from 1861 onwards.

The Symbols of Bolotana

The coat of arms and the gonfalon of the municipality of Bolotana were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on 19 September 1995. The coat of arms consists of a blue shield with a central silver tower on a green lawn, surrounded by four red roses, with three stars above and two gold-headed keys below. The gonfalon consists of a blue cloth with a green band, loaded with the municipal coat of arms.


Here is a brief overview of the municipality of Bolotana. It is a small village immersed in nature, with a long and interesting history behind it. Bolotana has maintained several traditions, from liturgical singing to bread making, which are still passed down from generation to generation. If you are lovers of nature and history, Bolotana could be the ideal destination for you. Discover it with your own eyes!

Veronica Vitale
Updated Thursday, Dec 22, 2022