
Bolognetta: the small commune of Sicily

Bolognetta, also known as "Agghiastru" in Sicilian, is a small town in the metropolitan city of Palermo in Sicily, with a population of 4056 inhabitants. But what is the history of this town?


The history of Bolognetta dates back to the 1600s, when Vincenzo Beccadelli from Bologna sold the fief of Casaca to Marco Mancini, baron of Tumminii. The latter committed to naming the town Bolognetta, but in the end, the town that formed took the name of Santa Maria d'Ogliastro. However, the name of Bolognetta was inspired by a votive chapel in honor of the Madonna, located near an olive tree.

Bolognetta: History of a Sicilian Municipality.

The Monachelli family

The Monachelli family was one of the most important noble families and landowners in the town, of which there is evidence dating back to 1714. When the Mancino family disappeared, their enormous landholding passed to the Monachelli clan, which dominated the economic, political, and religious life of the town and clashed with the middle class and peasants, who rented their land.

The revolt of seven and a half

In 1866, the "seven and a half" revolt broke out in Palermo, lasting from September 15 to 22, a popular anti-government rebellion. When they met the Bolognetta carabinieri patrol, a group of "brigands and revolutionaries" killed two militiamen and dragged their bodies through the streets of the town. The repression led to several arrests and the forced labor condemnation of the Lo Bue brothers, from Misilmeri.

The name change

On February 1, 1883, the town Santa Maria d'Ogliastro changed its name to Bolognetta, renaming the town in honor of the olive tree at the base of the original name.

In summary, Bolognetta is a small town in Sicily that has lived an interesting history, which has brought it from the popular rebellion to the renaming and name change of the town. Despite its limited population, it has maintained strong family and community ties, as evidenced by the lasting influence of the Monachelli family on the life of the town.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Tuesday, Jul 12, 2022