
The Sant'Anna Hospital of Ferrara: an important history to know

When it comes to hospitals, people often think of modern structures, but the reality is quite different. The Sant'Anna Hospital of Ferrara, for example, has a history that dates back to 1443, when it was built by the will of Bishop Giovanni Tavelli da Tossignano. Today, after several transfers and renovations, it is still one of the main hospitals in Emilia-Romagna and beyond.

The foundation of the Sant'Anna hospital

Giovanni Tavelli, the bishop of Ferrara-Comacchio, was the promoter of the hospital's construction, which was located near the Porta dei Leoni, north of the medieval city. Initially, the hospital used the Church of Sant'Anna and its kiosk, but it was soon expanded to accommodate even the most seriously ill patients. In 1445, the hospital was entrusted to the city, which took care of it.

Millennial history of Sant'Anna of Ferrara, a hospital of excellence.

The hospital's importance over time

Over the years, the Sant'Anna Hospital became increasingly important for the city of Ferrara and its inhabitants, becoming a mandatory destination for the sick, the poor, beggars, and travelers. In the sixteenth century, the hospital even hosted the famous poet Torquato Tasso, who was confined as "mad" by order of Duke Alfonso II of Este.

The transfer to Cona

After many years, the Sant'Anna Hospital underwent several transfers and arrived at its current location in Cona only in 2012. This new, modern, and technologically advanced structure was designed to offer patients and doctors more opportunities for work and care. The new facility covers an area of 30 hectares and houses the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Ferrara.

The importance of the structure in Emilia-Romagna

The Sant'Anna Hospital of Ferrara is an excellence in the hospital panorama of the Emilia-Romagna region and represents a concrete expression of attention to the health and well-being of the population. Thanks to the collaboration with the University of Ferrara and the integration with the USL Company of Ferrara, the Sant'Anna Hospital is able to offer high-level, innovative, and personalized healthcare.


The Sant'Anna Hospital of Ferrara represents an important reality for the city and the Emilia-Romagna region. Its millenary history, which dates back to 1443, encompasses many stories of people who were treated and healed thanks to the assistance and professionalism of the doctors and nurses who made Sant'Anna their workplace. Today, the new Cona location represents a promise for the future: to offer new generations better health, with cutting-edge performance and great attention to patient care.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Sunday, Oct 23, 2022