
Welcome to Bocchigliero!

Hello everyone! Today we're talking about a beautiful town in the province of Cosenza, in Calabria: Bocchigliero. With its 1190 inhabitants, this town is located in Sila Grande, on a high spur in the upper basin of the Trionto River. Are you ready to discover together with me the beauties of this small village?

The beauty of nature

Bocchigliero is surrounded by the beauty of nature, surrounded by the mountains of Sila. The main mountain peaks are Mount Basilicò, 1020 meters high, and Mount Paladino, 995 meters high. If you love being in contact with nature, this town is the ideal place for mountain walks, excursions in the greenery and visits to nearby lakes.

Bocchigliero: nature, history, and art in Calabria.

The millenary history of the town

The history of Bocchigliero is ancient and fascinating: it seems that the village has very ancient origins, dating back to the era of the Bruzia Arento or Arintha (Άριθα in ancient Greek); then the Roman colonists, dedicated to pastoralism, called the place Bocchilierus (i.e. village inhabited by shepherds). Recently, Professor Marco Filippelli's research has brought to light a new hypothesis about the origin of the name Bocchigliero: it seems, in fact, that it derives from the Arabic Muck Ali Hèri, i.e. caliph's plateau, shelter of the emir. The interpretation of the etymology of the name is uncertain, but nevertheless fascinating and mysterious.

Monuments and places of interest

Bocchigliero is rich in monuments and places of historical and artistic interest, which are worth a visit. Among the religious buildings, I recommend you to visit the mother church, dedicated to Santa Maria dell'Assunta, built after 1580, and the church of San Francesco, with its stunning beauty, with its baroque wooden altar dating back to 1600. Don't miss the Church of the Reformation (or Sanctuary of Madonna da Jesu), known as Madonna delle nevi, and the church of Basilicò, near Cozzo della Chiesa: two pearls of medieval architecture. Among the secular monuments, then, there are so many beautiful ones that will leave you breathless. For example, the Sanctuary of San Rocco, located 930 meters above sea level, is an ideal place to admire a unique and unforgettable panorama.

Emigration from the village

Bocchigliero also has a recent history, with the peculiarity that concerns emigration from its lands. In the 19th century, many inhabitants of the village moved to the Americas, especially the United States, and South America (Brazil and Argentina). In the 1950s and 1960s, there was a seasonal outlook on emigration, to countries such as Germany, France or Switzerland. Nevertheless, the local community is still quite populous and lively.


Bocchigliero is a charming small village, rich in history and natural beauties. If you love nature, art, history and culture, I recommend you to visit it as soon as possible. I'm sure you won't regret it!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Friday, Feb 11, 2022