Bleggio Superiore

Bleggio Superiore: History and Origins of its Name

Bleggio Superiore is an isolated municipality situated in the Giudicarie region within the Autonomous Province of Trento in Italy, with a population of about 1520 inhabitants. The name of its main village, Santa Croce, is due to the presence of the "Holy Cross of Bleggio" in the parish church, a wooden cross that devotees invoke for miraculous graces. Bleggio was once one of the seven deaneries of the Giudicarie region and operated autonomously for centuries under the governance of the Prince-Bishop of Trento.

Monuments and Points of Interest

Bleggio Superiore municipality is rich in monuments and points of interest. The parish church of Santa Croce del Bleggio hosts the miraculous cross, demonstrating the importance of religion in the history of the town. The 17th-century church of Santa Maria and Saints Faustino and Giovita, located in Cavrasto, is another example of religious architecture. The church of St. Anthony the Abbot in Bivedo is the oldest sacred building in the municipality, dating back to the 13th century.

The town is abundant in churches, including those dedicated to St. Justina, St. Luigi Gonzaga, St. Rocco, and the Annunciation of Mary, located in Balbido, Cavrasto, Cavaione, and Rango respectively. All of these churches represent important parts of the municipality's history and date back centuries, showcasing impressive religious architecture.

History and Monuments of Bleggio Superiore: a Gem of the Giudicarie.

Demographic Evolution

Bleggio Superiore has a population of about 1520 inhabitants scattered across various villages. Over time, many families have left the town in search of new opportunities in other regions, causing a gradual reduction in population since the 20th century. The villages in the municipality were once typical alpine farms of Trentino, consisting of one or two families, but they have become overpopulated with the demographic development in the late 19th century.

Anthropogenic Geography: Villages and Quadra

Bleggio Superiore is divided into several villages, including Santa Croce, Madice, Cavrasto, Marcè, Cornelle, Balbido, and Rango. These villages were once made up of typical Trentino alpine farms, but with the population growth, residential and commercial buildings have developed.

Quadra is an ancient administrative-juridical subdivision widespread in northern Italy that refers to the group of four towns of Bivedo, Larido, Marazzone, and Cavaione in the municipality of Bleggio Superiore. These towns suffered from numerous fires between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, which destroyed much of the housing.


Bleggio Superiore is a municipality located in the Giudicarie region in Trentino, Italy. Its name originates from the presence of a miraculous cross in the parish church of the main village, Santa Croce. The municipality is rich in churches, such as the parish church of Santa Croce del Bleggio, the church of St. Anthony the Abbot in Bivedo, the church of St. Justina in Balbido, the church of St. Luigi Gonzaga in Cavrasto, the church of St. Rocco in Cavaione and the church of the Annunciation of Mary in Rango. The villages in the municipality were once typical alpine farms of Trentino, but with the population growth, residential and commercial buildings have developed. The municipality has seen a reduction in population since the mid-20th century but remains a place rich in history and culture.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Oct 23, 2022