
Bistagno: a Piedmontese town of uncertain origins, but rich in history and monuments

Bistagno is a small town in the province of Alessandria, located in the Piedmont region. The name "Bistagno" may derive from the confluence of two branches of the Bormida river, but a less accepted theory connects it to the term "little pheasant". The town has an interesting history and several monuments and places of cultural interest.

The history of Bistagno

The origin of the name "Bistagno" is uncertain, but the most accepted etymology links it to the confluence of two branches of the Bormida river. In fact, the center of the village has the shape of an equilateral triangle surrounded by walls, at the southern tip of which there was an ancient castle of which only a characteristic square tower incorporated into a modern building remains today.

Bistagno was part of the Marquisate of Monferrato and experienced moments of importance thanks to its thermal baths. Over the centuries, the territory changed hands several times, until it became part of Piedmont during the Unification of Italy. In 1952, the town obtained the coat of arms and the banner that still represent the town today.

Bistagno: history, monuments, and culture in the heart of Piedmont.

The monuments of Bistagno

The medieval historic center of the village, surrounded by ancient walls, is crossed by narrow streets lined with stone houses and Romanesque churches. One of the most important monuments is undoubtedly the tower of the castle, which is often chosen as a background for tourists' photographs.

Bistagno also houses the Giulio Monteverde gipsoteca, which preserves the original plaster models of the sculptor, who was born right in Bistagno. Here you can admire some of his most famous works, including the "Dead Christ" and the "Most Holy Assumption of the Virgin".

The culture of the town

The presence of the Monteverde gipsoteca testifies to the importance that Bistagno has attributed to culture. Even though the town is small, there is no shortage of cultural events and activities aimed at enhancing the historical-artistic heritage of the town.

The local demography

Bistagno has about 1,864 inhabitants, and in the past decades, it has experienced a constant demographic decline. Despite this, the town has not lost its charm and continues to attract visitors from all over the world.

Infrastructures and transport

Bistagno is well connected both to the nearby city of Alessandria and to Asti. The Bistagno railway station, located on the Alessandria-San Giuseppe di Cairo railway, allows easy access to other Piedmontese and non-Piedmontese locations. Additionally, the town is crossed by the state road 30 of Val Bormida and the Provincial Road Acqui-Alba for Cortemilia.


Bistagno is an autonomous town with its own local administration. It is part of the Suol d'Aleramo Mountain Community and also has established friendly and collaborative relationships with the French town of Flaviac.

Bistagno is an interesting town for those who want to discover the beauties of Piedmont, but also for those looking for a peaceful place to live or spend their holidays. Thanks to its history, monuments, and strategic location, Bistagno represents a sought-after destination for tourists and travelers of all kinds.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Jan 17, 2022