
Discover the charming town of Bieno

Hello friends, today I want to take you on a journey to discover Bieno, a small town with only 450 inhabitants located in the autonomous province of Trento, in the heart of the Trentino-Alto Adige region. Contrary to what one might think, the town is not located on the Tesino Plateau, but represents the natural gateway to it. In this article, I will talk about the beauty of Bieno's physical geography and its ancient and fascinating history.

Wonderful physical geography

Bieno is located a few kilometres from the SS47 Valsugana, one of the most scenic and panoramic roads in Italy. Thanks to its privileged position, the town enjoys excellent sunlight exposure and was built in a panoramic position on top of a long morainic promontory. For this reason, Bieno is called the "balconcino della Valsugana" (the balcony of Valsugana). In the surrounding area, there are many natural attractions. For example, you can admire the centuries-old lime tree at Maso Weiss, an area with centuries-old chestnut trees and vegetable crops, and the small waterfall at the Pison source. But the real attraction is the mountain area, dominated by the walls of the chain called Subgroup of Rava. Here you can find the Rava di Sopra and di Sotto and Fierollo di Sopra and di Sotto mountain huts, as well as the glacial lakes which, passing near Lake Mezzo (2,030 m) and Lake Grande (2,125 m), lead to Cimon Rava (2,436 m). In short, if you love nature and outdoor sports, Bieno will be the right place for you.

Bieno, the little balcony of Valsugana: nature and history in the heart of Trentino.

The history of Bieno

Turning to the ancient history of Bieno, we cannot fail to mention the importance, from a cultural and social point of view, of the wandering people. The town has always been linked to their history and culture. In addition, Bieno is famous for its stonemasons, who worked in the extraction of granite from the Rava quarries. The Roman presence in the area is demonstrated by the presence of the ancient Roman road, Via Claudia Augusta Altinate, whose route ran a little upstream of the current provincial road. It seems likely that Bieno has even more remote origins, probably pre-Roman. In fact, the toponym "Bieno", whose meaning is still uncertain, could derive from a pre-Latin toponym. The village has existed as a community and independent entity from Strigno and Pieve since time immemorial.


In short, if you are looking for a quiet and charming place where you can spend pleasant moments in contact with nature and ancient history, Bieno will definitely be a destination to consider. It is a small gem in Trentino-Alto Adige that will win the hearts of all those who visit it.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Friday, Aug 5, 2022