
Welcome to Bicinicco!

Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about Bicinicco, a cozy Italian town located in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region.


During the Middle Ages, Bicinicco was an important fief of the County of Friuli, with a strategic position between the Isonzo and Torre rivers. The name of the municipality probably derives from the Latin term Vicinicum, which means "near".

The flag of Bicinicco is a blue cloth, symbolizing the tranquility and serenity that characterize this delightful town.

Bicinicco: History, Art and Culture in the Heart of Friuli

Monuments and places of interest

If you are passionate about art and architecture, Bicinicco will not disappoint you. Among the main monuments and places of interest, we find:


Bicinicco has about 1,819 inhabitants, and its population uses Friulian language alongside Italian. The municipality is included in the list of Italian municipalities of Friulian language for the application of law 482/99, regional law 15/96, and regional law 29/2007. The Friulian dialect spoken in Bicinicco falls among the variants belonging to the central-eastern Friulian.


The administration of Bicinicco is led by Mayor Flavio Biolcati, elected in 2019.


To learn more about the history and culture of Bicinicco, we recommend reading the following books:

Related topics

If you are interested in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region and the Friulian language, we recommend deepening your knowledge by reading the articles on Bassa Friulana and Italian municipalities of Friulian language on Wikipedia.

Other projects

For more information on Bicinicco, we invite you to visit the official website of the municipality. Thank you for following us, and we hope to see you soon in Bicinicco!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Friday, Aug 19, 2022