
Welcome to Biccari: a town in Puglia

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Biccari, a beautiful town located in the province of Foggia, in Puglia. With its 2642 inhabitants, Biccari offers many natural and historical beauties that will make you fall in love with this wonderful territory.

The physical geography of Biccari

The town of Biccari is located on a hill of the Monti della Daunia at an altitude of 450 meters. The municipal territory extends to the southwest to Mount Cornacchia, the highest peak in Puglia with its 1,151 m, and to the northeast to the plain of Tavoliere delle Puglie.

There are many natural springs in the mountainous area, including the Vulgano and Pescara (lake) rivers, which offer a beautiful panoramic view. In the rolling plain, the land extends between 200 and 400 meters above sea level and is an integral part of Tavoliere delle Puglie.

The entire municipal territory is crossed by the Vulgano river, a tributary of the Salsola, and there are also the Salsola and Lorenzo rivers that border the area.

Discover the beauties of Biccari: history, nature, and local cuisine!

The history of Biccari

In the territory of Biccari, the highest-altitude Neolithic settlement in Puglia was discovered, at over 700 m in the Boschetto locality, along the banks of the Organo river, a few kilometers from the current town center.

The origins of the inhabited nucleus of Biccari date back to between 1024 and 1054, by the Byzantines of the catapan Basilio Bojannes (Bogiano) and the vicar of Troia, Bisanzio de Alferana. Evidence of the time is the cylindrical tower, built to better defend the Via Traiana, an important connection artery for trade and commerce between Irpinia and Tavoliere delle Puglie.

The name ''Vicari'' (Biccari) appears for the first time in a deed of August 1054 in which the widow Sikelgaita donates her assets to the monastery of San Pietro in Vulgano.

After the victory over the Byzantines near the Olivento river, a Norman officer in the army of Robert Guiscard, a certain Pagano, took possession of Biccari and fortified the primitive inhabited nucleus that had formed in the shadow of the tower, making it a "fortified town".

The castle of Biccari was given by Conrad IV of Swabia to Giovanni Moro, a Muslim servant of his father, after the death of Frederick II of Swabia. Over time, Biccari became a barony of the county of Civitate.

What to do in Biccari

Biccari is an ideal place for those seeking tranquility in contact with nature and with ancient history. You can visit the cylindrical tower, a witness to the Byzantine past, in the town center. The panoramic view is magnificent and offers an unforgettable experience.

In addition, there is also the Mother Church of San Giovanni Battista, whose bell tower dominates the town and offers a splendid view of the surroundings. You can also visit the Archaeological Civic Museum, which exhibits the material evidence of the ancient history of the territory.

For nature lovers, there are nature trails that offer the opportunity to admire the local flora and fauna. In addition, you cannot miss a visit to Lake Pescara, where you can relax and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Local cuisine and typical products

The cuisine of Biccari combines typical flavors of Puglian cuisine with influences from neighboring territories. There are several typical products, such as smoked scamorza cheese, cruschi peppers, tondini beans, and the famous "stuffed wheel pasta," which is the most famous dish in the area.

Furthermore, the territory offers a great variety of enogastronomic products, including extra virgin olive oil, wine, and sheep cheese, which are the most representative products of Biccari.


In conclusion, Biccari is a wonderful place that offers a unique experience for anyone who loves ancient history and nature. The beauty of the country combined with traditional cuisine and local products create an unforgettable atmosphere.

I hope my summary has made you fall in love with Biccari and that you feel like visiting it!

Federico Conte
Updated Sunday, Dec 4, 2022