
Suardi Castle in Bianzano: History and Curiosities

Welcome to Suardi Castle, located in the charming village of Bianzano in Val Cavallina, province of Bergamo. This ancient building, whose construction date could date back to the year 1233, is the result of several renovations and expansions over the centuries.

Initially intended for defensive purposes, the castle became the property of the Suardi family in the 14th century thanks to a marriage with the Visconti family, ruler of the Duchy of Milan. Over the centuries, the castle underwent transformations that made it a stately home and today a tourist attraction.

History of Suardi Castle

The history of Suardi Castle is shrouded in legend, as its origins and original function are not yet fully clear. There are no official documents on the construction date, but it has been hypothesized that it could date back to the year 1233. However, the discovery of a nearby fortification suggests that the castle may have been built later.

The Suardi family became the owner of the castle in the 14th century, after Giovanni Suardi married the daughter of Bernabò Visconti. This event is celebrated every year during a historical reenactment that involves the entire village and attracts many visitors.

During the era of the Venetian Republic, the castle was at risk of being demolished by government order, but the Suardi family decided to transform it into a stately home by hiding the fortified part under a roof. Over the centuries, the castle underwent further modifications, such as the expansion of the cellars, which caused partial collapse of the structure. Its original function as a defensive or residential building or as a food store is still uncertain.

The Suardi Castle in Bianzano: history and visits.

Structure of Suardi Castle

Suardi Castle is located in a dominant position on the western slope of Val Cavallina, with a fantastic view of Lake Endine and Monte Torrezzo. The building, which originally had a defensive function, later transformed into a stately home, still preserves many traces of its history, such as the presence of battlements and a tower.

According to some studies, the origin of Suardi Castle could be linked to the Order of the Templars, as there are architectural elements that recall Templar symbols. Furthermore, the position of the castle made it strategic for controlling commercial exchanges in the area.

Visiting Suardi Castle

Suardi Castle can be visited by reservation, offering a unique experience to immerse oneself in the medieval history of Val Cavallina. Inside, you can admire the courtyard, the garden, the chapel, the large hall, and the cellars with their fascinating vaulted ceilings.

Additionally, the castle hosts cultural and artistic events throughout the year, as well as the historical reenactment of the union between the Suardi and Visconti families which takes place every year on the first weekend of August.

If you are passionate about medieval history or want to discover the natural beauty of Val Cavallina, Suardi Castle is a must-see stop on your trip. Come visit and be transported back to the Middle Ages amidst legends and enigmatic symbols.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Thursday, Nov 10, 2022