Cavanella Vara

Welcome to Cavanella Vara!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Cavanella Vara, a small town in the lower Val di Vara in Liguria. Despite being inhabited by only 137 people, this village has an interesting history and some remarkable monuments. Let's discover them together!

Description and history

Cavanella Vara is located northeast of the capital Beverino, across the river Vara. It is situated on a small hill at 90 m.s.l.m. and overlooks a curve of the river. Unfortunately, we don't have much information about its history, but we know that the toponym "Cavanella" comes from the Ligurian word "cavanna," meaning "hut." This suggests that Cavanella was a stopping point for travelers and soldiers, and that there was a kind of "shelter" in the village.

In 1508, the powerful Malaspina family, who had jurisdiction over many villages in the area, built a small fortress in Cavanella. From its foundation, the Church of San Martino Vescovo di Beverino was later built, which has a tower of the Malaspina castle as its apse. In the Middle Ages, Cavanella had conflicts with neighboring villages of Beverino and Rocchetta di Vara.

In 1929, Cavanella Vara passed from the municipality of Rocchetta di Vara to that of Beverino. Today it is a quaint and peaceful town immersed in nature.

Cavanella Vara: history and monuments of a Ligurian village.

Monuments and places of interest

Despite its small size, Cavanella Vara has several places of interest. One of the most important is the Church of San Martino Vescovo di Beverino, which stands on the remains of the Malaspina castle. This church is very old and has a simple yet suggestive facade.

Another particular place is Casa dei Perché, which has a large question mark on its facade. This building is very enigmatic, and it is not known exactly what its function or history is. You can approach it and admire the curious question mark, perhaps trying to get an idea of what it could represent.


This is all we know about Cavanella Vara. If you have any other information or curiosities, do not hesitate to share them with us in the comments.

Other projects

To learn more about this village and the Val di Vara, you can consult other projects and websites dedicated to the area. For example, the website "Valdivara5terre" offers many tourist information about the valley and its landscapes.

Thank you for joining us in discovering Cavanella Vara. See you next time!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022