
Welcome to Bevagna: a dive into Italy's history

Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about Bevagna, a charming Italian municipality located in the province of Perugia, famous for the fine fabrics that were once produced there, so much so that they were called "bevagne". Now, Bevagna is included among the most beautiful villages in Italy and among the orange flags, making it a perfect destination for a day trip.

Let's discover the physical geography of Bevagna

But before diving into its history and beauty, let's start from the basics and discover something about the physical geography of the municipality. Bevagna has a climatic classification of zone D, 2004 GR/G.

Bevagna: history, art and flavors in the medieval village

Bevagna's history, from its origins to the Middle Ages

Bevagna has a long and fascinating history, which has seen the succession of various dominions. The first traces of human settlements date back to the Iron Age, and important archaeological finds confirm the presence of the Umbrians in the Bevagna territory. With the Roman conquest of Umbria, Bevagna became an important itinerary center for the Umbrians, thanks to its pastoralism and cattle breeding. In 90 BC, it became a municipality under the name of ''Mevania'', assigned to the Aemilia tribe, in Regio VI Umbria. Thanks to its favorable position in the middle of the great viability set up by the Romans with the via Flaminia, Bevagna became an important agricultural and strategic center and hosted numerous constructions, including a city wall, thermal baths and an amphitheater. Over the centuries, Bevagna underwent various dominions and controversies, including that between Church and Empire.

Bevagna in the Renaissance and modern era

With the end of the Middle Ages, Bevagna experienced a period of prosperity and artistic and cultural development. One of its most illustrious sons was the poet Propertius, but also the painter Andrea d'Assisi, known as "L'Ingegno", and other prominent artists. In the sixteenth century, Bevagna experienced further prosperity under the lordship of the Baglioni of Perugia, thanks to the construction of the church of San Francesco in Montefalco, one of the most beautiful churches in the Italian Renaissance.

Modern Bevagna: between the ancient village and local flavors

Now, let's move on to modern Bevagna, the one we can visit today. Bevagna's historic center has miraculously remained intact, with its main square with a splendid terracotta floor and its winding and suggestive alleys. One of the main attractions is the Church of San Francesco, where you can admire the splendid cycle of frescoes made by the Renaissance painter Benozzo Gozzoli. But Bevagna is not only art and culture, it is also gastronomy and local flavors. In fact, the city is famous for its traditional dishes, such as wild boar sausage, porchetta, truffle bruschetta, and stuffed pizzas. And to top it off, Bevagna also offers the opportunity to taste its famous wines, Sagrantino and Montefalco Rosso.

Conclusions: a destination for every taste

In conclusion, Bevagna is a perfect destination for every taste, with its millennia-old history and medieval atmosphere. You can admire ancient buildings, visit churches and museums, stroll through the historic center, taste good local cuisine, and savor fine wines. If you feel like taking a day trip, Bevagna is certainly a destination to consider.

Federico Conte
Updated Thursday, Apr 7, 2022