Bernate Ticino

Welcome to Bernate Ticino: a city in Lombardy

Welcome to Bernate Ticino, an Italian municipality located in the metropolitan city of Milan, in the Lombardy region. With a population of about 3,000 inhabitants, Bernate Ticino is a quiet city that offers a variety of natural and cultural attractions.

Discover Bernate Ticino: a Lombard city with history and nature.



Located east of the Ticino river and west of Milan, Bernate borders with Cuggiono to the north, Mesero and Marcallo con Casone to the east, Boffalora sopra Ticino to the south, and the Piedmontese territory of the municipality of Romentino to the west. Bernate is divided into two areas: a center-western area characterized by less dense settlements and a more urbanized eastern area. The two parts are separated by the Naviglio Grande river, connected by a seventeenth-century bridge.

Geology and Hydrography

The territory of Bernate is characterized by the Po Valley with hills, descending areas, and marshes. The average altitude is 130 meters above sea level. The city is crossed by the Naviglio Grande and the Ticino River, which is located in the western part of the city. Bernate Ticino is part of the Navigli Pole established by the Province of Milan.


Bernate Ticino is classified as zone 4 (low seismicity) by the National Civil Protection Department, so the city presents a low seismic risk.


The climate of Bernate Ticino is typical of the northern Italian plains with cold winters and hot summers. Rainfall is concentrated mainly in autumn and spring. The city belongs to the E climatic zone.

Etymology of the name

The etymology of the name Bernate Ticino is not yet clear. Some sources suggest that the name derives from the Latin ''prunetum'' which means a place for the cultivation of plums and later transformed into ''brunetum''. Other scholars believe that the name derives from the Latin proper name ''Berinus''. Finally, there is a hypothesis that the name derives from Castrum Brinati, a Roman name of a fortified area, guarding a river port on the Ticino River.

Bernate Ticino is a small city worth visiting. With its natural, cultural, and historical attractions, you will never be bored!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Saturday, Jul 16, 2022