
Welcome to Berceto!

If you're looking for a peaceful town to spend a few days away from the chaos of the city, Berceto might be the right choice for you. Located in the province of Parma, in Emilia-Romagna, this town of about 2000 inhabitants offers a calm and relaxing atmosphere, rich in history and nature.

Let's discover Berceto together

Berceto: history, nature, and tradition in Emilia-Romagna.

Physical geography

Berceto is located at the foot of the Cisa Pass, at an altitude of about 800 meters. The surrounding area is characterized by the presence of the Apennine Mountains, which extend all the way to the Ligurian coast. In 2012, Berceto was hit by a strong earthquake of magnitude 5.4 on the Richter scale, but fortunately did not suffer serious damage.


Berceto's climate is characterized by cold and snowy winters and cool and windy summers. Average temperatures range from 6°C in January to 22°C in July.

Origins of the name

The name Berceto may have ancient origins, probably related to the Celtic or Ligurian populations that inhabited the area. In Roman times, the place was known as "Quercetum", as attested by the Tabula alimentaria traianea of Velleia, but later the name was changed to Berceto.

History of Berceto

Berceto owes its foundation to Saint Moderanno, the patron saint of the town. According to legend, the bishop of Rennes arrived at the place where Berceto now stands during a pilgrimage to Rome and decided to found a monastery in honor of the saint. Over the centuries, the town passed under the control of various authorities, including the diocese of Parma and the City of Parma.

During the Middle Ages, Berceto played an important role as a stopover on the Via Francigena, the famous road that connected the city of Canterbury in England to Rome. In the twelfth century, the City of Parma decided to build a castle to defend the town from enemy incursions. Over the centuries, Berceto was disputed between Guelphs and Ghibellines and suffered several destructions, such as that carried out in 1313 by Emperor Henry VII.

Over the centuries, Berceto transformed from a small rural village to the center of a small, active, and welcoming community.

What to do in Berceto

If you decide to visit Berceto, you won't be bored for sure. The town offers many cultural and naturalistic attractions, including:

Walking through the streets of the village

One of the most pleasant activities to do in Berceto is undoubtedly walking through the streets of the village, admiring its historic buildings and breathing in its particular atmosphere. From the alleys of the historic center, you can reach the church of Saint Moderanno, the patron saint of the town, or visit the castle and its towers.

Mountain excursions

Thanks to its location at the foot of the Cisa Pass, Berceto is an ideal starting point for mountain excursions. You can start on foot or by mountain bike to discover the trails that wind through the Apennine woods, enjoying breathtaking views of the valley of the Baganza stream.

Visit to the Museum of Peasant Civilization

To discover the traditions and peasant culture of the area, don't miss a visit to the Museum of Peasant Civilization, housed in an ancient farmhouse. The museum offers a collection of objects, tools, and photographs that tell the daily life of peasant families in the area.


Berceto is a very active town from a cultural point of view and organizes many festivals and events throughout the year, where good food and traditional music are the protagonists. Among the most famous festivals are the Fair of Saint Moderanno, which takes place in September, and the Courtyard Festival, in which citizens open the doors of their courtyards to showcase their history and traditions.

Discovering the cuisine of Berceto

Berceto's cuisine is based on high-quality local products, such as Parmigiano Reggiano, Prosciutto di Parma, and culatello di Zibello, accompanied by fine wines from the hills of Parma and dishes from the peasant cuisine. Among the specialties to taste are the fried cake, the tagliatelle with wild boar ragù, and the cròsa, a soup of bread and beans.


Berceto is a town that combines history, nature, and tradition. If you're looking for a place to relax and discover the beauty of the Emilian lands, Berceto can be an interesting destination to visit. Take advantage of its hospitality and cuisine to discover the best of this small gem on the Apennines!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Mar 29, 2022