Belmonte in Sabina

Welcome to Belmonte in Sabina

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about Belmonte in Sabina, a charming municipality in Lazio with a fascinating history and artistic heritage not to be missed. Get ready to discover the beauty of this village and immerse yourself in its history.

Physical Geography

Belmonte in Sabina is located on the Sabine Mountains, at an altitude of 756 meters above sea level. Its elevated position offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Turano Valley and the surrounding hills. The climate is classified as zone E, with an average of 2741 GR/G.

Belmonte in Sabina: History, art and nature in a charming village.


Belmonte in Sabina has ancient origins: here stood Palatium, a city of the Aborigines reported by Dionysius of Halicarnassus. In Roman times, the locality continued to be frequented as a center of worship. The medieval village of Belmonte, on the other hand, was born as a defensive fortress and belonged to the Church. It was a fief of various families, including the Brancaleoni and the Cesarini. Gabriele Cesarini, one of the most influential feudal lords, ruled in an authoritarian manner and provoked the rebellion of the local massari in 1483. The siege that followed was repulsed and in 1501 Gabriele obtained the protection of Pope Borgia.

In the seventeenth century, Belmonte was sold together with Rocca Sinibalda to the Mattei brothers, Ciriaco and Asdrubale, and then passed to the Lante family. In 1681, the village was elected to the Marquisate by Pope Innocent XI and finally purchased by Marchese Amanzio Lepri together with the fief of Rocca Sinibalda in 1781.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The Parish Church of San Salvatore is one of the most representative monuments of Belmonte in Sabina. Inside, you will find a fresco depicting Saint John the Baptist and a copy of the Archangel Saint Michael by Guido Reni. Do not miss the opportunity to admire these treasures of sacred art.

Furthermore, Belmonte offers a breathtaking natural scenery with Monte Reatino and Monte Terminillo visible on the horizon. Enjoy a hike around the village, perhaps following the path that leads to the Turano Valley or visiting the Zoccani Caves, where artifacts have been found that testify to the frequentation of the site since the Copper Age.


Belmonte in Sabina is a municipality that will not disappoint your expectations: history, art, and nature blend in a perfect mix. Come and discover the beauty of this village and let yourself be conquered by its suggestive atmosphere. We are sure you won't regret it!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Sunday, Oct 23, 2022