
Belluno: An Alpine City in Veneto

Belluno is a municipality located in Veneto, Italy. It is the capital of the eponymous province and is inhabited by 35,443 people. The city has ancient roots, dating back to the 1st century B.C., when it was founded as a Municipality of Rome. Today, it is the most populated municipality in its province and is located at the confluence of the Ardo stream and the Piave river, in a strategic defensive position that made it a protagonist during the two World Wars.

Physical Geography

The ancient part of the city sits on a rocky outcrop close to the confluence of the Ardo with the Piave river. Belluno is surrounded by mountains: to the north, there are the Monte Schiara, the Monte Serva, and the Monte Talvena, while to the south, the Prealps separate Belluno from the Venetian plain. The municipal territory is partly occupied by the Belluno Dolomites National Park, and most of the settlements are in the valley floor area. The territory is crossed by several watercourses, including the Piave river, the Ardo stream, and the Turriga stream.

The climate of Belluno is characterized by very low winter average temperatures, making it the coldest provincial capital in Italy for this aspect. The annual average temperature is also among the lowest for provincial capitals in Italy, especially in comparison to the 2003 heatwave. Rainfall is significant and concentrated in the months from April to November.

Belluno was awarded the title of Alpine City of the Year in 1999 and has received numerous awards for the sustainability of its urban ecosystem over the years.

Belluno: sustainable alpine city surrounded by nature.

Environmental Preservation

According to Legambiente, Belluno has ranked first for the sustainability of the urban ecosystem among all Italian provincial capitals in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, and 2013. The city is particularly attentive to environmental preservation and sustainability, and is committed to many initiatives and projects to reduce the environmental impact of human activities.

Belluno is also an integral part of the Belluno Dolomites National Park, which covers an area of 316.48 square kilometres and represents one of the main nature conservation areas in Italy. The park includes natural and scenic heritage of inestimable value, which must be protected and maintained for future generations.


Belluno is an Alpine city in Veneto with ancient roots, but which looks to the future through an attentive look at the environment and sustainability. The city is surrounded by mountains and is in a strategic position, playing an important role in Italy's history. Today, Belluno is committed to environmental protection and the promotion of initiatives that promote sustainability. Thanks to its geographical position, history, and natural beauty, Belluno represents an important tourist destination and a place to live immersed in nature.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Thursday, Sep 1, 2022