
Welcome to Bellosguardo, the municipality of beauty and history in Campania

Bellosguardo is an Italian municipality located in the province of Salerno, in the Campania region. With a population of 694 inhabitants, it covers an area of 16 km2 within the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, between the Fasanella gorge and the Ripiti river. In this article, we discover together the geography, origin of the name, history, and main places of interest of this municipality.

Physical Geography

The territory of Bellosguardo is characterized by a mountainous area of Cilento, with average seismicity and a particularly mild and cool climate. The municipality borders the inhabited centers of Roscigno, Corleto Monforte, and Castel San Lorenzo and extends within the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, a few kilometers from the sea.

Bellosguardo: beauty and history in the heart of Cilento.

Origin of the Name

Bellosguardo owes its name to the legend of Berlisguardo, a local hero who would have ended the war between Lucani and Taranto in 338 BC. According to the legend, Berlisguardo (or Bellosguardo) was a young man with a beautiful face and extraordinary strength, who would have killed the King of Macedonia to avenge the death of the Lucanian captain and end the war. His beauty would have earned him his name and memory over time.


The history of the municipality of Bellosguardo is closely linked to the history of Lucania and Campania, of which it has been a part during the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the Kingdom of Italy. from 1811 to 1860, Bellosguardo was part of the district of Sant'Angelo a Fasanella, belonging to the District of Campagna of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. After the unification of Italy, the municipality became part of the district of Sant'Angelo a Fasanella, belonging to the District of Campagna.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Bellosguardo is a municipality rich in history and culture, with numerous monuments and places of interest that testify to the beauty and greatness of its past. The main monument of the municipality is the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, built as a convent building of the Minor Friars of Saint Francis in 1512. The building, in Renaissance style, is characterized by the presence of numerous works of art and decorations of exquisite workmanship.

The municipality is also rich in nature and breathtaking landscapes, thanks to the presence of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, which offers numerous opportunities for excursions, outdoor activities, and relaxation.


In summary, Bellosguardo is a municipality in Campania with a strong tourist vocation, characterized by the beauty of its landscapes, the richness of its history, and the presence of numerous monuments and places of interest. If you are thinking of visiting Campania, do not forget to add Bellosguardo to your list of places to see.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Tuesday, Feb 8, 2022