
Discover Bellegra: the municipality in the metropolitan city of Rome in Lazio

Bellegra is an Italian municipality with a population of about 2707 inhabitants, located in the metropolitan city of Rome, in the Lazio region. Its geographical location makes it particularly fascinating, as it is situated at 815 meters above sea level (a.s.l). In this summary, we will try to explore the physical and historical characteristics of Bellegra, with a friendly tone.

Physical Geography

Bellegra: Discovering the town on Monte Celeste in Lazio


Bellegra is located on Mount Celeste, with a territory extending over an area of about 18.78 square kilometers. The area is predominantly hilly and mountainous, with altitudes ranging from 260 to 815 meters a.s.l. In the municipal territory, you will also find the Ruffi Mountains, a mountain range that extends from the west of the Prenestini mountains to the north of the Lucretili mountains. The Sacco river also flows through the area.


Bellegra has a climate typical of the sub-apennine areas of low mountains, with relatively long and cold winters, with frequent frost but rare icy days (January average of 3 °C), while summers are warm and temperate, with some hot days, however with quite cool minimum temperatures (August average of 21 °C). Snow is a frequent phenomenon, and in the case of marked cold, it can fall abundantly and persist on the ground for several days. In summer, precipitation mostly presents as thunderstorms.

In the middle of winter, temperatures can reach peaks of -11 °C. According to the Köppen climate classification, Bellegra enjoys an oceanic climate "Cfb", characterized by always humid seasons and warm summers. However, some continental characters are observed due to both daily and annual temperature variations (annual average temperature of around 12 °C). In February 2012, the snow cover on the ground exceeded half a meter in height.


Mount Celeste has witnessed numerous historical events, dating back to the 6th century BC. The city was initially known as Vitellia, but over time, the name was changed to Civitella. Its foundation belongs largely to the Equi and also the Ernici. It was a colony of the Equi until AD 967.

There have been several theories regarding the foundation of Vitellia, but according to some historians like Nibby, it references the treaties of Livy. Marocco, instead, believes that the strong city of Belecre, mentioned by the Equi, corresponds to this community. A third historian, Iannuccelli, believes that the evidence is uncertain and that there are no major sources that can confirm his claims.

The existing polygonal walls in the territory date back to the 7th century BC, while the foundation of the municipality is even older, dating back to the 6th century BC.


In conclusion, Bellegra is a charming municipality where the beauty of nature blends with the millennial history, making it an ideal destination for those who love the tranquility and beauty of a mountainous area. The climate may seem harsh, but the natural landscapes and historical testimonies make Bellegra a magical place worth visiting.

Martina Moretti
Updated Monday, Oct 3, 2022