
Welcome to Bellano!

Hello everyone! Today we're talking about Bellano, a delightful Italian town on the eastern shore of Lake Como. With its 3490 inhabitants, Bellano borders Dervio to the north, Valvarrone and Casargo to the east, Taceno, Parlasco and Perledo to the south, and is surrounded by Lake Como to the west. In this summary, I want to talk to you about the geography and history of the town.

Physical Geography

Bellano has a mild climate thanks to the presence of Lake Como, which regulates temperatures. Summers are hot, with an average of 29°C, while autumn and spring are a bit cooler, with an average temperature of 15°C. Winter is not very cold, but there are often intense rains.

Bellano: history and beauty on Lake Como.


Bellano's history dates back to Roman times: in fact, numerous finds have been discovered, such as burials, which demonstrate that the town was already inhabited during that historical period. Around 905, the town became the property of the Archbishop of Milan, who fixed his residence there and administered civil justice.

There has been much discussion about the origin of the “Pieve”, perhaps already in the 7th century. As with the Valsassina, Bellano was under the control of the Della Torre and then passed to the Visconti, who allowed it to formulate its own Statutes in 1370. Over the centuries, the town played a significant role on Lake Como, becoming the scene of frequent looting.

In 1480, Bellano was assigned to Pietro II Dal Verme, Count of Bobbio, Voghera, Castel San Giovanni and the entire Val Tidone, Pieve di Incino, and Valsassina. The fief continued to be assigned to different families, undergoing expropriations and damages, such as the destruction of the walls wanted by Gian Giacomo Medici.

From 1533 to 1788, Bellano was part of the Sfondrati della Riviera fief, undergoing various trials, including plagues, looting, and the death of the last Sfondrati. In 1788, Bellano returned to being a demesne property of the Duchy of Milan.


In conclusion, Bellano is a town rich in history and culture, which tells the glorious past of Lake Como. From Roman times to the present day, Bellano has witnessed numerous events but has always maintained its beauty and charm. Come and visit it, and you will not be disappointed!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Friday, Jul 1, 2022