San Cataldo

San Cataldo: a life devoted to faith

San Cataldo was a highly respected saint in the Christian tradition, thanks to his deep faith and life story. Born to Christian parents who raised him with values such as love for prayer and the spirit of sacrifice, Cataldo embarked on a long spiritual career that led him to become a priest and then a bishop.

The legend of San Cataldo in Taranto

According to legend, following a divine vision, San Cataldo arrived in Taranto to re-evangelize a city that had fallen to paganism. Here, Cataldo carried out his evangelizing work by having pagan temples demolished and aiding those in need.

San Cataldo: the life and legend of the patron saint.

The Saint and the city of Corato

San Cataldo was also the patron saint of the city of Corato, in the province of Bari, where he went during his time in Taranto. Tradition has it that he had liberated the city from the plague, becoming a point of reference for the population.

The tomb of San Cataldo

After San Cataldo's death in Taranto, his body was buried under the floor of the local cathedral, in the eastern part then called San Giovanni in Galilea, corresponding to the current baptistery. The tomb was then hidden due to the destruction of Taranto by the Saracens in 927, but it was discovered during excavation work for the new cathedral, commissioned by Bishop Drogone, on May 10, 1071. The relics were then placed under the main altar of the new cathedral and subsequently transferred to a new chapel.

The cult of San Cataldo

The cult of San Cataldo is still strong today, especially in the city of Taranto and other areas of Italy, where the saint is considered a protector. Many believers turn to his intercession in times of difficulty and need, praying to obtain his blessing. San Cataldo is also a model of Christian life to follow, thanks to his devotion to faith and charity towards others.

In summary, San Cataldo was a saint beloved for his devotion to faith and charity towards others. His figure is legendary especially in Taranto, where he arrived to re-evangelize the city. His tomb, discovered after centuries of oblivion, is now a pilgrimage site for believers who turn to his intercession in times of difficulty. San Cataldo represents an example of Christian life to follow and love towards others.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Feb 12, 2023