Battaglia Terme

Discovering Abano Terme Together

Hello everyone! Today, I will tell you about Abano Terme, a beautiful town in the province of Padua, in Veneto.

A City with 19,868 Inhabitants

Abano Terme has approximately 19,868 inhabitants and is located along the north-eastern edge of the Euganean Hills, only 10 km southwest of Padua. The town is situated in an extinct volcanic area, at an average altitude of 14 meters above sea level. Its inhabitants are called "aponensi".

Abano Terme: history, well-being and culture.

A Thermal Destination

Abano Terme is famous for its thermal baths and the therapeutic benefits that can be derived from the thermal waters rich in healing and therapeutic properties. Every year, more than 250,000 tourists choose to stay in the city's hotels to enjoy the numerous treatments for the well-being of the body and mind.

History of Abano Terme


The Euganean Hills, on whose summit Abano Terme stands, formed approximately 34 million years ago from the floodwaters of the Po Valley and local volcanism. The morphology of the terrain favored the formation of thermal water springs and the settlement of the area by ancient populations called by the beneficial effects of the thermal waters. Abano Terme has a very ancient history: already in the 6th century BC, the inhabited center existed in the present municipality of Montegrotto Terme, as evidenced by archaeological excavations and the artifacts preserved in museums in Padua and Este.

The First Latin Writers and the Imperial Age

The importance of the thermal baths, called "Aquae Patavinorum" in ancient times, was described by numerous Latin writers such as Pliny the Elder, Marcus Valerius Martialis, Livy, Suetonius, Cassiodorus, and Claudius Claudianus. According to Martialis, poets Gaius Valerius Flaccus and Arrunzius Stella were also born in Abano Terme. According to some historical sources, the name "Aponus" (the god of the thermal waters) would have been the root of the name "Abano". During the imperial age, the thermal baths were very important and reached their peak. Suetonius reports that the emperor Tiberius stopped here to consult the oracle about the outcome of the war in Illyria.

The Middle Ages and the Renaissance

With the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the thermal baths experienced a sharp decline, from which they would have risen centuries later. In the Middle Ages, Abano Terme was the subject of disputes between various feudal lords. In the Renaissance, the city experienced a period of cultural fervor thanks to the enlightened patronage of the Da Lisca family.

Visit Abano Terme

Things to See

If you are in Abano Terme and want to discover the history and culture of the city, some of the places I recommend visiting are:

In the City Center

The nightlife of Abano Terme is very lively, with restaurants, bars, and clubs that offer evening entertainment. Furthermore, the city center offers many shopping opportunities and local traditional product stores.

The Thermal Baths

Naturally, the main attraction of Abano Terme is the thermal baths. There are many hotels with thermal centers inside, where you can enjoy massages, thermal baths, wellness treatments, and more. The thermal waters that flow from the city's springs have beneficial properties for health, from the treatment of rheumatism to the care of respiratory disorders.


In short, Abano Terme is a city worth visiting to discover its ancient history and culture, as well as the well-being that its thermal baths offer. I recommend spending a few days in this beautiful town in Veneto to fully enjoy the beneficial effects of the thermal waters and discover all its historical and artistic treasures.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Tuesday, Apr 19, 2022