
Bastiglia: A Brief Journey Through The History of the Town

Welcome to Bastiglia, an Italian town located in the province of Modena, in Emilia-Romagna. Bastiglia has a population of 4168 inhabitants and is located about 12 kilometers north of the capital city, between the Secchia and Panaro rivers. It is part of the Union of Sorbara's towns. Bastiglia has an ancient history, with sporadic archaeological finds attesting to the presence of Roman settlers during the imperial period.

Around the year 1000, the Cesi Counts of Modena settled in the area. A chapel dedicated to Saint Clement, located in a slightly higher place of the district and therefore safer from floods, was mentioned in a document of Corrado II the Salico to the church of Modena in 1026. The court that surrounded the medieval fortification near the chapel was called for several centuries "Villa de Cesi" or "Bastia de Cesi".

The Visconti occupied Bastiglia for a few decades in the first half of the 14th century. Over time, the area became more important thanks to the addition of the Naviglio di Modena canal in the Panaro and the construction of the Bastia village. In the village, along with deposits and mills (in the XIX century, there were twelve of them in Bastia), places of worship could also be found, such as the chapel dedicated to Saint Nicholas of Myra, protector of sailors.

Bastiglia and its Emergencies

On January 19, 2014, Bastiglia was flooded by the waters of the Secchia river due to the heavy rainfall over the weekend. The rapid rise of the river's level at 6:00 am on Sunday caused the breakage of the right bank, invading the countryside and submerging the entire territory of the town. The following day, the historic center of Bomporto, a neighboring village of Bastiglia, suffered the same fate.

Bastiglia: between history, emergencies, and demography

Society: The Demographics of Bastiglia

As previously mentioned, Bastiglia has a population of 4168 inhabitants. According to ISTAT data as of December 31, 2009, the resident foreign population was 473 people. The nationalities most represented based on their percentage of the total resident population were Turkey, Morocco, and Tunisia.


Bastiglia is an autonomous town, governed by an elected mayor. The current mayor is Andrea Tettamanzi. The town council consists of 16 members.

Notes and Projects

To learn more about Bastiglia, visit the official website of the town. If you are planning to visit the area, it is advisable to check the weather forecast to avoid unpleasant surprises like those of 2014.


And this concludes our brief journey through the history of Bastiglia, a town full of charm and history. We are happy to have introduced you to its culture and its people. We hope that the information we have provided has been useful to you and that you can visit this wonderful place one day. See you in Bastiglia!

Martina Caruso
Updated Tuesday, Aug 23, 2022